contactsymon 发表于 2009-10-3 14:22



1)        People and places changes as well. Tim felt it strongly. He had been away for many years.

Change: On returning after a long term /many years, Tim had a strong feeling of how people and places change.

2)        Susan graduated last summer. She joined the First Super Group in Singapore soon after graduation and received an engineering degree from her college.

Change a :After graduating last summer with an engineering degree, Susan soon joined the First Super Group in Singapore.

Change b : An engineering degree-holder, Susan joined the First Super Group in Singapore last summer soon after graduation.

Or : change c: Having graduated with an engineering degree, Susan joined the First Super Group in Singapore last summer.

这里就要讲讲一点小的变化技巧:我们中国人习惯于用who, that, which之类的定语从句,但不习惯用以上例2中的用法。2 b号中用到了一个是介词结构加主语加谓语 的用法。很多时候请在写句子时,都要想想你的几个简单句根据逻辑结构是不是能变化一下,以此来代替。


1)        Snow White did her chores with a smile. Often she would sing while she worked.
2)        Memory is one of those abilities that we take for granted except when it fails us. So, memory is like digestion in this way (去掉SO,注意,so也是写作时尽量避免的)
3)        Linda sat there. Her beautiful coat was still wrapped around her against the cold


大帅 发表于 2009-10-3 16:04


wanwensu 发表于 2009-10-3 20:19

不懂了, 分享学习经验也有错么{:5_362:} lz 好像没有强迫人家交钱去学吧, 这帖子连 “回帖才能看“的功能都没设,更别说要换聚元了。 英语学习中 (好像无论什么学科的学习都是这样)有些地方我觉得就是需要有人点拨一下,lz所说的正是我们在国内(起码是初高中)没人教过的, 被人忽略的方面。这些知识我们平时不觉得重要,因为可能在日常生活中也没用上或者用得不好也没人注意, 但是要是我们到了要用英语发paper的时候,这就是一个很严重的问题了。 我觉得看了这种帖子对我很有帮助阿。 谢谢lz无私分享{:5_394:}{:5_335:}

deutschlandcard 发表于 2009-10-3 22:12

1, Often Snow White would sing while she worked with a smile
2, Like digestion, memory is one of those abilities that we take for granted except when it fails us.

3, Linda sat there with her beautiful coat bing still wrapped around her against the cold

contactsymon 发表于 2009-10-4 00:28

3)第三句的思路比较对,用独立主格结构中过去分词来代替状语从句,但是你的问题是,此句改写后,语意上是有问题的。请尽量再改写一下最好。另外说一下语法,如果是being wrapped , being 加过去分词作状语,being是可以直接省略掉的。

此句再提醒一下,你最好写成Linda sat there, still ..............为好,后面的请你再想想如何改,用过去分词作伴随状态是绝对对的,只是你的" her beautiful coat"的位置要变化一下。希望你可以再继续跟写!欢迎大家有兴趣讨论此句改写。因为一旦你写会这种句子,将来任何相同的句子你都会用高级写法来代替了。

contactsymon 发表于 2009-10-4 00:29


deutschlandcard 发表于 2009-10-4 08:28

谢谢老师的细心指导, 按你的建议修改了一下
1, Often Snow White would sing during/on doing her chores with a smile. 不知道during/on用得对不对.
3, Linda sat there, still wrapped with her beautiful coat around her against the cold.

contactsymon 发表于 2009-10-4 09:48


第2题你则在意思上变动得较大了。would在此应该去除,主要是它改变了整句白雪公主的状态。另外一个就是during doing something, 如果你用during,就只要during her chores, 而不应该用 during / on doing her chores,语言习惯上的毛病而已。

第2题我给个比较准确的框架给你,你试试。其实和第3题的句型很相似,请尽量用Snow white did ..., 加上动词的现在分词状态做独立主格结构(第3题是用的过去分词,因为有being done在里面),想到答案没?

deutschlandcard 发表于 2009-10-4 11:20

1, Often Snow White sang, doing her chores with a smile.
2, Like digestion, memory is one of those abilities that we take for granted except when it fails us.
3, Linda sat there, still wrapped in her beautiful coat around her against the cold.
老师的确好厉害, 学到了不少{:5_394:}

热带鱼玻璃拉拉 发表于 2009-10-5 09:54

mark! {:5_358:}
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