由于上的是英语项目,德语虽然在学,也能读懂一些东西,但由于口语不怎样,简历上只敢写个German basic.这样是不是会对招工作很不利?大家知道经济类的哪些公司或银行对德语要求不高的吗?多谢多谢!!! 经济银行这些个忽悠人的行业嘴皮子不灵光不行啊 try US company? 经济银行这些个忽悠人的行业嘴皮子不灵光不行啊morion 发表于 2009-12-1 16:48 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
Not really. Known a guy without German knowledge working for Dresdener Bank in FFM.Guess without German but WITH experience should be OK.
Not really. Known a guy without German knowledge working for Dresdener Bank in FFM.Guess without German but WITH experience should be OK.
Tackey 发表于 2009-12-1 16:53 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
basically, u will have NO chances to be employed by banks without excellent german language skill, not to mention that in the time of financial crisis even speaking outstanding Germandoes not help u very much.
With respect to the exemple u have mentioned, I am nearly sure the guy u are refering to must have worked on mathematical models and is therefore an experienced "Calculating Chinese" who is always dealing silently with some background job which actually does not fit LZs personal conditions. 纯经济的没戏,要是做middle office(risk management)或back office(operation area)还有可能,不过要有很强的analytical skill。