skin doctors 的抑制毛发生长的产品,比如说腿上的汗毛 一楼有说明
本帖最后由 珊璞 于 2010-3-14 00:25 编辑夏天到了,又要勤快的对付腿上的汗毛了,发现了这个,skin doctorshair no more我去找个链接。
This unique formula is applied in two simple steps
Step 1. Our delicate cream instantly and painlessly removes unwanted hair from face or body, even the darkest, coarsest hair that may have been causing you a lifetime of embarrassment. The new powerful formula now works even faster.
Step 2.The scientifically developed Growth Inhibitor Spray can help retard hair regrowth. Hair that does grow back may be finer, sparser, and lighter than before ... in many cases the hair never grows back again.
Long-term hair removal in a bottle
Not only does HairNoMore mean that hair doesn't appear for weeks, even months at a time, but over time it can also change the appearance of dark thick coarse hair to softer, finer, lighter hair, which resembles that of a baby. In many cases the hair doesn't appear again – leaving you smooth and hair-free!
No side effects ...
... except for the slowed appearance of hair growth and softer skin. The product is easily applied and contains soothing plant and herbal extracts. There's no pain, no effort, no preparation and there's no skin irritation.
"After using the HairNoMore system, I no longer have to shave... I can honestly say I have noticed a great difference. The hairs are less noticeable and many have not even grown back."
Vincent, Victoria
"... HairNoMore makes my hair stay away for months and the little hair that did grow back was softer and unnoticeable... I was truly amazed."
Gillian Coombs, Sydney
Australia's favourite long-term hair retarding system, HairNoMore, has been reformulated to be so powerful that beauticians are asking: "Could this be the end of salon treatments?"
No more waxing, No more laser, No more electrolysis, No more pain... Discover "New and Improved HairNoMore". 据说,第一周每天用一次,以后每周用两三次。几个月后,汗毛就不怎么长了。不知道会不会这么神奇。我先试一下,19,9欧120ml,应该能用上几个月。本来想用了好就来推荐,但是怎么也得几个月,夏天就过去了。所以现在写出来,有兴趣也有这个需要的mm可以和我一起试一下。 沙发?{:5_362:} 沙发?
喝可乐的猫 发表于 2010-3-12 23:36
不要光坐沙发,踊跃发言呐。 是不是大家都没有这方面的困扰。我懒,所以总想有这种一劳永逸的东西就好了。都考虑过激光,怕疼,也怕花钱。 19.9就有用,谁还去激光??
不过还是很期待lzmm的实验结果{:6_415:} {:3_259:}期待lz汇报使用心得!!! 要好几个月见效,说是让毛发先变细,变少,变得不明显。激光大概得花多少钱哪?我光知道贵。不知道具体有多贵。好像也要治疗好几次。 期待lz汇报使用心得!!! 发表于 2010-3-12 23:49