The Tiffany Setting(第1页加了参考价格),感动于爱的承诺!
本帖最后由 逆光的漩涡 于 2010-4-10 21:35 编辑经历了风风雨雨后,终于见到彩虹了,谢谢亲爱的,给我2010年最令我感动和珍爱的承诺,给我Tiffany最经典的六爪订婚戒指作为我们爱情的信物!选择的过程很复杂,但是我们都喜欢简单的款式,最后选中了这款简单的Setting,也让我知道了原来订婚是要买带钻的戒指的!还跟我家亲爱的研究了半天4S标准,各个级别的价钱差好大啊!最后我们选中了52分,D,VS1的,各位姐妹买钻戒之前可一定要做足功课啊!顺便说一句,T家官网给出的价格是各个等级最低级别的,相比我们最后做出决定买的这个,差了能有一半,所以决策之前一定要慎重啊慎重!最后,求JMS的祝福!TKS! 本帖最后由 法号:能吃 于 2010-4-25 15:33 编辑
给大家贴个价格吧: tiffany 西雅图 专卖店的邮件 :
I have found two rings that are in the ranges you specified. The first is .49CT, D color, VS1 clarity for $6050. The second is .52CT, D color, VS1 clarity for $6700. All prices are before tax. Would your friend be interested in either of these rings? I can only hold rings for three days, so let me know when you are planning to come in so I can ensure the rings are here for you to look.
The ring we looked at when you came into the store was .50ct, F in color, and VS1 in clarity for $5100. Since the color is a lower quality, the price is lower. The two rings I have e-mailed you about are made with a higher quality diamond, hence the higher price. These prices will not change if you come into the store
The .52ct, D color, VS1 clarity ring is $6700. The total will come to $7336.50 after tax. (我们定的这个)I will put a transfer request in for the ring this evening if you are still interested. The diamond certificate comes from our headquarters in New York, and will be sent as soon as the ring is purchased. This is why I can either send it directly to you, or to the store for you to pick up 楼上是猪°
法号:能吃 发表于 2010-4-9 01:02
呵呵,谢谢猪为我买的戒指!!! 祝福啊{:5_335:} 上图吧 还等啥 祝福啊
似水年华 发表于 2010-4-9 01:10
谢谢你的祝福哦! 上图吧 还等啥
可爱的小马甲 发表于 2010-4-9 01:13
呵呵,让朋友在米国买的,在考虑怎么带过来呢!等到手了,就上图! {:4_299:}恭喜楼主哦 恭喜LZ, 上PP吧 mm在美国买比这里的价钱便宜很多吗?能说说价钱吗?