you are the storm
本帖最后由 jessyxiaoting 于 2010-6-1 22:06 编辑睡不着,又录了一版,觉得后来这个自然一些,我自己更喜欢后面这个,就是似乎编辑的不好,但是那个情感过去了就录不出当时的感觉了,所以也没有重新录,支离破碎的就这样吧,蛮真实的,终于把自己折腾困了,睡了。。。。
听这个吧 本帖最后由 jessyxiaoting 于 2010-5-29 00:18 编辑
you are the storm
Oh it’s healing bang bang bang
I can hear your canons call
You’ve been aiming at my land
Your hungry hammer’s falling
And if you want me, I’m your country
I’m an angel bored like hell
And you’re a devil meaning well
You steal my lines and you strike me down
Come raise your flag upon me
And if you want me, I’m your country
If you win me I’m forever, oh yeah
Cause you’re the storm that I believe in
And all this peace has been deceiving
I like the sweet life and the silence
But it’s the storm that I believe in
Come and conquer and drop your bombs
Cross my borders and kill the calm
Bear your fangs and burn my wings
I hear bullets singing
And if you want me, I’m your country
If you win me I’m forever, oh yeah
Cause you’re the storm that I believe in
And all this peace has been deceiving
I need some wind to get me sailing
So it’s the storm that I believe in
You fill my heart you keep me breathing
Cause you’re the storm that I believe in
And if you want me I'm your country. 纯文字顶 吉他声音小了点~好听哦~
跟着姐姐听了不少新歌~哈哈~ 回复 4# 防晒霜
,又重新录了,{:4_276:} Cardigans不冷门吧 回复 5# jessyxiaoting
对我来说冷门阿…英文歌手我都不熟……就认识那几个最红的…… 好听 好听,姐姐唱歌总是可以打动人,颓而不废的嗓音唱腔,不去做歌手太浪费了{:5_310:} 回复 8# jijia778115667
啊哈哈哈,说的好啊,颓而不废,没事,俺就在这里唱吧,还能挣几个聚元呢,俺会弃而不舍的颓而不废下去的{:4_287:} 回复 9# jessyxiaoting