科隆有偿请人补习Mess-,Steuer-und Regelungstechnik
本帖最后由 janettony 于 2010-6-3 00:22 编辑如题,
联系电话-017620690631或者站内短信. 真的很需要帮助!{:5_367:} 为毛木有人涅?{:5_367:} Reglungstechnik? which part?
SISO or MIMO? Reglungstechnik? which part?
swiss_yang 发表于 2010-6-4 12:44 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
一般Regelungstechnik是SISO,MIMO一般属于Regelungstheorie,再说经济工程的也不会涉及到MIMO这么深 本帖最后由 swiss_yang 于 2010-6-4 14:54 编辑
If it is only about SISO, you should go through the following steps:
1: Build the physical model
It involves Mechanics, Eletrotechniks, Thermodynamics and Fluiddynamics. Therefore, you should have the solid background of physics
2: Build the mathmatical model
From step 1, you will usually get a group of ordinary or partial differential equations (ODE or PDE). And then you should linearize those ODE or PDE at the equilibrium points (Gelichgewichtspunkts).
This step involves Linear algebra, Analyse and Numeric.
3: Select the matched controller (Regler) according to the system requirements.
4: Build the overall system in Simulink and run it.
For the messtechnik, two points you should know very clearly.
1: Measurement Frequenz
2: Working Principle 建议好好研究研究Alte Klausuren. 自己背着做做总会有心得的。 本帖最后由 wey 于 2010-6-6 21:12 编辑
学MB的都上过这门课,德国的Regelungstechnik考试是比较难,当年好不容易过关,等待高手英雄救美。 Studierst du an FH Koeln ?in Gummersbach oder Deutz?
Wenn du in Deutz studierst , kannst du das Tutorium (Steurungstechnik) besuchen. Der Tutor erzählt sehr allgemeinverständlich.
Das Tutorium findet jedes Freitag statt.