想象 发表于 2010-7-2 08:49



注: 本游艇只有两个男生,欢迎会做好吃的{:5_325:}加入,听说荷兰的海鲜很便宜

cimone 发表于 2010-7-2 09:36


想象 发表于 2010-7-5 07:38

cimone 发表于 2010-7-2 10:36 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif


想象 发表于 2010-7-6 09:16

8月20号(周五)早上6:22从火车站8站台出发,到终点站Akkrum, 从Akkrum打的(7分钟内)到取船的地方Terherne(坐公车也可到).

21号周六到达Makkum Toepfereien
周日workum, wousend

周一 lemmer, Joure
周二 Ossenyijl
周三 Giethoorn

弗里斯兰:将美丽的风景、悠久的历史及生机勃勃、丰富多彩的生活融为一体,这里的历史名胜造就了它的独特风格,省内有众多的湖泊和运河,游客可以乘船四处观光; 路上可以体验到美丽的湖泊,干净的运河,沿岸的如画风景和文化遗产会让人兴奋不已~~~~~~~~~~相信大家不会失望的。

语言方面: 荷兰官方语言为荷兰语和弗里斯语,弗里斯兰省讲弗里斯语,弗里斯语属于日耳曼语族,当地人能听懂德语,通行英语,所以在哪里没有语言障碍; 去之前学会荷兰语"你好"和"谢谢",也许管用哦。

思想方面: 因为人多,船上有一些活动,大家需要分工配合,必须形成一个有效率的团队,有事好商量,能容忍分歧,服从大局,不行就投票表决哈,哈哈;) 去之前大家聚聚,有什么建议和问题尽早提出来,最好有人在船上想着做点儿好吃的,在欣赏美景的同时,让大家一饱口福。

Toilettenpapier, Taschtücher

想象 发表于 2010-7-6 09:27

时间: 7月11号中午12点钟 星期天
地点: Augustiner Regensburg (http://www.augustiner-regensburg.de/impressum.html)
目的: 彼此认识,交流意见,提出建议和问题,可以来喝饮料和吃午饭,下午如果还有时间的话,可以做其它的活动。


The Frisian Lakes Program
Putting our lakes to better use
Anchored! Completely surrounded by water. In the distance you can see the dawn rising over a beautiful landscape and cattle is grazing peacefully. A light wash makes the boat bob up and down. Time to weigh the anchor and start another relaxing day. Every year tens-of-thousands of tourists enjoy the sights, the wind and the water. Familiar to Frisians, special to newcomers. For everyone worth enjoying.

A boat trip becomes a family trip with the Woudaap route
Plenty of fun things for children to do make this boat trip a voyage of discovery for all the family. Head for dry land at Terherne, Langweer, Woudsend, Heeg, IJlst and Sneek, and you'll be amazed. When sailing from Sneek over the Sneekermeer, you'll find Terherne, the village where Hielke and Sietse Klinkhamer live. Here, the well known Dutch cildren's adventure books called 'the Kameleon' come to life. This route is called after the the village windmill; 'the Woudaap'. Check the complete Woudaap route.

Aqueducts route; did we just cross a road?
The lakes area in the south west western region of Friesland has no less than five aqueducts. They allow you to sail around this part of the province unhindered, and offere the ideal solution for bottlenecks where water and road traffic meets.

History revisited in the Turf route
Back in the 16th century, a network of canals was dug, over which peat shippers could transport their freight to the west. The turf route follows those canals through south-east Friesland, the western region of Drenthe and the tip of Overijssel.

Staandemast route; plenty to do in central Friesland
Via Dokkum, sailing around Leeuwarden and from the Friesian capital to Terherne, this is now possible for ships with a fixed mast. This wonderful sailing trip, in central Friesland, is nog part of the national route for ships with a fixed mast:


Middelsee route restored to former glory
The historic Middelsee route, a part of the Elfstedentocht marathon skating race, used to be an important sailing route between Leeuwarden and Sneek. It's now a good alternative for the busy Prinses Margrietkanaal for motorboats and sailing boats with an easily folding mast:


Fryslân: a unique province
Located in the north of the Netherlands, Fryslân is a unique province. It’s a region apart that is distinguished by it’s environment and landscape, it’s inhabitants, it’s economic development, it’s culture, sports, language...
The existence and use of the Frisian language in Fryslân is one of the most prominent aspects of the Frisian culture. For a large portion of the Frisian population, using their own language, is of fundamental importance to the functioning of society. The Frisian language makes a big contribution to life in Fryslân today. And there is much more to Fryslân.


The beauty of the Frisian landscape
Centuries old, and yet... changing with the hour. From north to south, from east to west, Fryslân enjoys a rich variation of landscape that’s worth seeing and experiencing. Ice, water and centuries-old human influence all did their part to create this abundance. The care and attention of today’s nearly 640.000 inhabitants have made sure that all those regions with their unique characteristics are guaranted a safe future existence.

maggie_jsc 发表于 2010-7-7 13:44


cimone 发表于 2010-7-7 13:49

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