little~fly 发表于 2004-12-14 00:19

Me too, so nice to chat with you! :):)
i had my final Mgm exam today, i mentioned before, which i have not well-prepared at all !!! But u know what? the exam has been cancelled only in our classroom~~ so wired, we are supposed to have another one in Jan 2005, i am not sure yet~!!! That means i will not play during my holiday, instead reviewing for re-test~ i hate that:(:(:( I am always be put in this kind of embrassed situation^.^ not fair at all !!! depressed ……
since when i was at my high school, a fire took place. When i went shopping two years ago, some one said there was a domb in the mall. The same situation happended again !!! i have no ideas :):) i am not a lucky person:( maybe
But which is good, i have more time to prepare, a new chance, hope it will not be that hard^.^   ***

skykittey 发表于 2004-12-14 06:24

come on buddy,chance is a chance, you can catch it, dont you.and it just one course,wont be than hard. sorry about the message you left on my MSN, i was doing my test at that time. anyway,just tell you know, i had a more serious test on WED, about 10 pages writing in 2 hours. i dont know what i gonna write in that time.basic just make some up. wish me a good luck, GOD BLESS ME.

little~fly 发表于 2004-12-14 16:57

Good luck on it ~~~ my late wishes~~
you will be fine~~ calm down
trust yourself :D :D :D
you are awesome!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
you can understand, can't you ?!!

[ Last edited by little~fly on 2004-12-15 at 00:10 ]

skykittey 发表于 2004-12-21 18:29

i just get back from KC to join my friend's granduation ceremony. it was so feelingful. I was imaging i was one of them.i almost cry!.

little~fly 发表于 2004-12-23 23:49

Hello, skykittey,long time no see~~!missing you :)
i stay in my father's friend's home. i am going to visit VancouverProbably on boxing day~!!! Merry Christmas~!!!! to everyone~ see you later
enjoy your holiday~Yes yes yes ~

skykittey 发表于 2004-12-24 09:50

yes, i also gonna take my trip to NYC alone. i spent all day to work on the info. such as the subway map, address of those place which i gonna visit. i will visit NYC with my mp3 player and cam, and come back with thousands of pictures and memories.
you have the fun too.Marry X'mas! and Happy New Year!

little~fly 发表于 2005-1-3 03:45

楼上的 楼上的!!
加精了 呵呵!!!

sea 发表于 2005-1-5 11:53


little~fly 发表于 2005-1-5 16:39

恩 这个问题不太好回答~~~

葱花儿 发表于 2005-1-6 13:51

恩恩偶提前来报个道,虽然偶现在还在欧洲闲游着,8过就快飘到那边去了,希望XDJM 们,多多关照了:P:lol::lol::lol:
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