就是从德国飞美国,要在英国转机,到底需要英国签证么?有没有亲身经历过的同学啊?查了论坛以前的帖子,说法不一,希望知道的同学告知一下,谢谢 本帖最后由 tester_sisley 于 2010-7-6 22:12 编辑http://www.ukvisas.gov.uk/en/doineedvisa/visadatvnationals
A transit passenger is not required to hold a transit visa if he holds, or a person with whom he arrives in the United Kingdom holds on his behalf:
1. a valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America and a valid airline ticket for travel via the United Kingdom as part of a journey from another country or territory to the country for which the visa is held;
2. a valid visa for entry to Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America and a valid airline ticket for travel via the United Kingdom as part of a journey from the country for which the visa is held to another country or territory;
3. a valid airline ticket for travel via the United Kingdom as part of a journey from Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America to another country or territory, provided that the transit passenger does not seek to transit the United Kingdom on a date more than six months from the date on which they last entered Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the United States of America with a valid visa for entry to that country; 哦,非常感谢,看来可以飞 亲身经历过两次在英国伦敦希思罗转机去美国,坐的是英航,来回都没有问题,但是注意不能出转机区。一般航空公司在你办理手续时会看你有没有美国签证。 长知识了!!{:5_370:}