问continental的Regensburg programm controller 面试
本帖最后由 Kimdongwan 于 2010-9-6 13:16 编辑职位是上海的,但是由于还没拿到毕业证,不能马上回去,正好大老板又到REGENSBURG所以HR给我安排在德国面了,之前和MANAGER面了,还有HR,现在到上面的大老板了,就是不知道会问什么,简历我都被问了无数遍了,可是大老板还没面过,估计简历还是会问的,想知道除了简历外的,还会问些啥,
PS:我是刚毕业的 楼主是学info或者info Management的吧
programm controller应该是财务info方面都会涉及
没有面过continental 帮你顶一下 回复 2# 小神仙
我不是学info的,是finance的,但是好像这个program contoller要的是finance方面的知识,所以想问下一般controlling面试涉及的专业只是主要是什么 本帖最后由 小神仙 于 2010-8-16 20:05 编辑
我不是学info的,是finance的,但是好像这个program contoller要的是finance方面的 ...
Kimdongwan 发表于 2010-8-16 19:45 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
你确定吗? 因为我们这里做programm controlling的都是有info背景的 主要负责ERP系统的维护 回复 4# 小神仙
Develop accurate project business models to ensure the fulfillment of Continental’s financial objectives
. Communication and coordination within Asia, Europe and NAFTA
. Alignment with Business Unit Sales and Management on quote preparation
. Develop a business model for customer projects and newly developed product concepts
. Establish the pricing model using the standard corporate business model tool (PCIS)
. Ensure the following of Continental policies and procedures
. Coordination of the quotation process within the organization – lead alignment across both regional and global locations
. Maintain customer quotation and business history to ensure alignment with past activities
. Provide financial analysis and inputs to support operational and strategic business decisions
. Verify and check information being submitted into financial quote database
. Work with responsible functional area to update information if needed
. Track project financials through the development phase utilizing corporate financial tools (Award PCIS, ePPT and CUPA)
. Support functions within organization to achieve a project’s financial targets
. Provide annual post completion audits, as required within the organization
难道是我理解错了,没看到他说要INFO背景的,而且HR也和我说要FINANCE方向的人 楼主你还是在问问HR比较保险
首先 programm controlling肯定是info和finance两个都需要
其次 你给的工作要求里明确说明了需要你有建模的技能 想问问有没有人有CONTINENTAL 的面试经验,如果是CONTROLLING的话,一般面的专业那块要注重什么?
HR和部门 ...
Kimdongwan 发表于 2010-8-16 14:42 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
mm,请你回我短信。你要的包我已经给你拿到。 有没有人知道? 有没有人知道? 继续问