求助:订宾馆的网页上写Bed & Breakfast Savings是什么意思?
如题,表示有早餐还是没早餐? 本帖最后由 燕捕头 于 2010-8-17 22:00 编辑A "Bed and Breakfast savings" offer therefore means the business owner is asking less than the usual price for the product, on the basis that it is better to get some money rather than none. If they can't make a profit they are at least covering their expenses. Savings offers are very common at this time of year in the tourist industry on any aspect of the trade. They are often described as "last minute". 3x~原来不是和早餐相关的意思啊~{:5_355:} B&B是对某一种Hotel的称呼,比正规的Hotel要简陋,通常需要share卫浴。不提供早餐却叫自己B&B的,我觉得应该坚决抵制!
Savings当打折解。 意思就是:早餐被打折打掉了{:5_387:} 意思就是:早餐被打折打掉了
mura 发表于 2010-8-29 15:48 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
真的?这个词组本身没有这个意思的。可能附加条款里会说,因为是折扣价,所以不含早餐。 恩,对的~
那整个Bed & Breakfast Savings该怎么理解呢?是不是表示折扣价,最终还是可能有变动? 恩,对的~
那整个Bed & Breakfast Savings该怎么理解呢?是不是表示折扣价,最终还是可能有变动?
mura 发表于 2010-8-29 16:07 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
“有变动”是什么意思?合同签订以后不可以随便更改条款的。 {:5_373:} 我听说有到了那里被告知弄错了要加价的情况,所以才问会不会这句话还包含类似“最终解释权属于对方”这种意思。{:5_367:}