in Germany. Of course, I will go to take care of my wife:)
Thank you very much for ur kind heart! 回复 9# 紫色
Thank you very much! 回复 10# ruojun
Thanks! 回复chezshen
in Germany. Of course, I will go to take care of my wife:)
Thank you very much f ...
feeting 发表于 2010-9-28 17:38
你不是说你老婆在其他国家么。。。要在那个国家生,我看错了 回复chezshen
Sorry. i mean i am in Germany. She is in Belgium. I am in the office, so I have to ...
feeting 发表于 2010-9-28 17:46
在比利时啊,在法国上面,不知道福利怎么样。 应该还行的。。 回复 16# chezshen
normal welfare. not as good as Germany 回复 2# bubble...
ur baby is very lovely:) 回复chezshen
normal welfare. not as good as Germany
feeting 发表于 2010-9-28 17:51
我当时在法国还不错,学生么,有房补,房租就很少,而且医疗我申请全报,啥都不要钱。每年医疗保险200。。。。 而且如果你是单身妈妈生孩子补助更多,,,,,孩子出来也有180的补助。。。。 不过我到了德国有父母金,也不错, 回复 18# feeting
谢谢哦,不过这是别人家宝宝的照片。我家宝宝还没出生呢 {:5_360:}