应该有过来人了 。。但是我搜索后还是觉得答案不明确。关于HR发的信中, 我取出两点:
1 You will then receive by DHL courier 4 exemplars of your Work Contract,...,1 original is for you to go to the Swiss Embassy to request for Student Visa as soon as you have the work contract in hand.
2 I will ask for work and stay permit and authorisation to deliver a visa with a work contract including salary.
我真糊涂, 那到底是拿到合同后就去领事馆申请签证, 还是等HR申请到工作许可后再申请签证?
我看网上有人说 对方办签证, 只要去取签证就可以了是不是真的啊?我主动去申请签证 岂不是还花签证费 - -||| 你先说一下,到底你申请的是student visa还是工作签证?为什么HR让你申请student visa? 是student visa. 是实习。 但是我其实是刚毕业。 本来领事馆要求提供材料证明实习是我在德国学习项目的一部分, 所以我发信问小米, 小米的具体回复:“I have had many cases like yours. I will ask for work and stay permit and authorisation to deliver a visa with a work contract including salary. Precision made that your internship is in additional of your studies between your master and an eventual PhD.
I have never had a negative reply.”
实际情况是 对方也没说我要继续读PHD(面试时候说过这个问题)
越详细说我就越糊涂... 瑞士各个洲的规定都不一样。 很混乱。
秘书也会在瑞士给你申请的, 那个叫permit。类似visa,不过不是粘在护照上的。学生签证或者博士签证是都给批的。 小米是谁? 小米是谁?
nanguazaixian 发表于 2010-11-26 16:48 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif