qiuqian 发表于 2010-12-19 20:26


大家帮忙看看这句话是个什么语法或者句式啊。联系上下文能理解意思,可是看着这个be it be it的就是不明白这是个啥用法啊。
Any economic activity, be it the production of goods and services, be it consumption, involves using our natural environment.

面粉团团 发表于 2010-12-21 17:59

连着两个be it, 没有看懂
any ecnomic activities, any goods and services, including the consumer,
will be involved our nactural environment.
这样是不是看懂点,其他的那个be it, 我愣是瞪着瞅了半天没有看懂
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