help: internship: A Chinese bank or an investment bank?
本帖最后由 leau 于 2011-2-8 13:35 编辑sorry I can not input chinese at the moment. I need your advice since I really don't know which to choose... and I have to give two banks a formal reply asap.
one is an internship at a chinese bank frankfurt branch, the other is an investment bank (not the top IBs ...has 5000-10000 employees globally).
I wish to choose the one that will bring a better job prospect. as far as i know, normally we can't cast expectations on an association of internship and a full-time employment at europeans banks (my friends told me it's really hard).
does anyone know about the chinese bank oversea branches? I asked the HR about future employment she said it is possible, if i "work well"and they have a vacancy by the time I graduate I will get the job. I don't know whether they indeed need new employees, as they claimed in the email, or just a polite way to answer my question and just need a cheap labor for several months.
Can anyone give some advice?? Thanx in advance. Englsich ist nicht schlecht, {:5_381:} 帮顶!! 中国的银行在这边的分部一般都很小。我觉得我肯定是选投行~~
那个HR的回答,基本跟没回答差不多,不可多信 中行法兰分行经常有国内派过去的,有空缺未必会用当地的学生,个人觉得投行去开开眼界,现在还没实习,谈什么将来工作可能有点太早了 if i were u, i would choose the investment bank. 银行方面完全不懂,但是人事方面的话,属于典型的套话。干得好不好,有没有合适的位置,你能评判和预先知道么?完全不能控制的事情,就是空头支票。 if i were u, i would choose the investment bank.
淡蓝 发表于 2011-2-8 20:37
quite right!!! 感谢各位的回复, 我觉得大家的分析很有道理
谢谢各位职场的前辈给新手的指导和建议 :)
我这就写邮件给经理和HR给他们一个正式的答复 当然选IB