Current Legislation for Online Gambling
Under a law that came into effect on January 1 2008, all forms of online gambling are illegal in Germany. The sweeping ban prohibits all traditional online casino games as well as sports betting, online bingo and online lotteries. Under this legislation the government may order German Internet service providers to block customers' access to gambling sites, and to prevent German banks from doing business with gambling companies.
这个是网上的消息,不知真假;是否有达人能核实一下,如果真的违法,就算啦 那段英文的内容,大概是说,从08年开始,德国颁布法律,宣布所有在线博彩为非法 消息应该是假的,在美国境内确实是在线博彩是非法的,但在德国博彩业本身并不是重要收入来源,现在德国有很多著名的线上博彩公司,不是很多德甲,英超的球队都是线上博彩公司赞助的吗,所以应该不是真的。我严重怀疑这个新闻是把美国的新闻改成德国的。如果真是德国颁布的法律的话,怎么也该是德语版的吧。 美国不合法,德国合法。