工签批得太快了,可能是Teamleiter在我eintritt的前两天才知道我要入职,所以从上周五到现在都没活干,每天就在那儿看看安全知识和grundlage。后面schulung出差什么的都排好了,最近的都得一个月。可怎么办阿。感觉很奇怪呢。大家给点建议吧 有没有什么公司文档可以看呢,比如每个项目的存档,这样你可以了解一些背景知识,还能至少从字面上认识一些人,以后可能有机会认识的。 LZ是在B吗? 大锅饭企业,不是核心部门,的确没啥事做 {:5_387:},关键靠自己找事做 本帖最后由 jackydeng 于 2011-7-6 19:10 编辑都无聊三个月了...要不是之前做过一个月的Vertretung,真不知道怎么混得过来...做完Vertretung之后,觉得还真的自己找事儿做才行,不然还得继续无聊下去 应该是人事部和我们头没沟通好,以致我的einarbeitsplan不能马上开始实施,带我的人还urlaub着,555 学习SOP 学习SOP
duliebstmich 发表于 2011-7-6 19:15 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
what's that? what's that?
爱螃蟹的阿拉蕾 发表于 2011-7-6 19:16 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
SOP: standard operation procedure 哪个公司任何部门都有SOP的,每个新人也都是要学的
SOP: standard operation procedure
duliebstmich 发表于 2011-7-6 19:19 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
will someone teach us or should we learn it by ourself.
are there some Generalists of it, Which we by our chef ask for? will someone teach us or should we learn it by ourself.
are there some Generalists of it, Whic ...
爱螃蟹的阿拉蕾 发表于 2011-7-6 19:25 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
Normally nobody train you SOP, there are many SOPs, you have to learn it by yourself. I think you can find them in company intranet or some folders. You can ask your colleagues where to find it.