老公邀请我妈来,我,老公,我妈妈,在同一个户口本上,原来只要提供户口本即可。但现在听说要什么双认证??像我们这种在同一个户口本上的还有再办这个吗?约的九月二号的面签如果办的话也不赶趟了啊! http://dolc.de/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1371136&extra=page%3D1 我刚刚收到的使馆回复:Dear Sir/Madam,
during the present transitionary period the visa section also accepts
applications which were prepared as per "old" leaflets. These can be
handed in without problems, they should be carefully checked for
complete documentation, however.
As we are aware of the fact that due to the high demand for visa during
the summer travel period the waiting time for personal interview is
unfortunately much longer than usual, we will accept "old" applications
until september and october at the very least.
Yours sincerely,
Visa Section of German Embassy Beijing 可以用以前的,我们是8月23号的termin,旧的应该就行 15日签的,按照旧单子,签证已下。 调皮的馒头 发表于 2011-8-18 08:50 static/image/common/back.gif
想问一下MM, 那签证的时候还要出示机票预订吗? greeze 发表于 2011-8-18 12:07 static/image/common/back.gif
想问一下MM, 那签证的时候还要出示机票预订吗?
应该不需要吧。 greeze 发表于 2011-8-18 12:07 static/image/common/back.gif
想问一下MM, 那签证的时候还要出示机票预订吗?