angelinatan_cn 发表于 2005-2-6 19:23

Tiramisu Cheesecake

    * BUTTER OR MARGARINE, 2 tablespoons melted 黄油或植物黄油
    * ESPRESSO INSTANT POWDER, 1/2 teaspoon 意大利浓缩咖啡粉
    * VANILLA-WAFER CRUMBS, 1 cup 香草味的饼干渣
    * CREAM CHEESE (or NEUFCHATEL CHEESE), 24 ounces, room temperature 奶油乳酪
    * MASCARPONE CHEESE, 8 ounces 意大利馬斯卡波內芝士
    * SUGAR, 1-2/3 cups 砂糖
    * EGGS, 4 large at room temperature 鸡蛋(室温)
    * VANILLA EXTRACT, 1 teaspoon 香草精
    * SALT, 1 pinch 盐
    * ESPRESSO INSTANT POWDER, 2 teaspoons 意大利浓缩咖啡粉
    * HOT WATER, 1 tablespoon 热水
    * BRANDY, 1 tablespoon 白兰地
    * SEMISWEET CHOCOLATE, 1 ounce grated 半甜巧克力,磨碎
    * UNSWEETENED CHOCOLATE, 2 teaspoons 不甜巧克力


   1. Make the crust first. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 开始制作底胚。预热烤箱到350F
   2. Butter an 8-inch springform pan. 那个8寸烤盘,抹上点黄油
   3. Stir butter and espresso powder in small bowl until combined.把黄油和咖啡粉(1/2小勺)混和搅匀
   4. Stir in crumbs until crumbs are evenly moistened.把饼干碎放入,均匀的让其均匀的都佐上黄油咖啡汁
   5. Pat evenly over bottom of prepared pan. 把它们往烤盘底均匀地粘贴好。
   6. Bake 10 minutes, cool on wire rack. Keep oven on.烤10分钟,然后拿出放在架上置凉。
   7. Tightly cover outside bottom and sides of springform pan with heavy-duty foil. 把烤盘的底部和四周用锡纸扎实的包好。
   8. Make the filling. Beat cream cheese and mascarpone in large mixer bowl at medium-high speed until light and fluffy. 着手开始做填充物。把两种乳酪混合,然后用搅拌器,调到中速拌匀。
   9. Scrape sides with rubber spatula and continue mixing until completely smooth (about 3 minutes).用塑料刮面刀把边缘的乳酪刮下,继续搅拌至匀。
10. Reduce speed to medium and beat in sugar, vanilla and salt. 降低搅拌器速度,加入糖,香草精,和盐。搅拌。
11. Add eggs, one at a time, beating just until blended after each addition. 加入鸡蛋,每次加入一个,搅匀后,在加入一个的方法,直到把所有的鸡蛋都加入为止。
12. Pour 4 cups of filling over crust in prepared pan, and place in large roasting pan.把4杯量填充物倒入蛋糕底,放在烤箱的方形烤盘里。(剩下的乳酪要和酒,巧克力,及咖啡混合)
13. Dissolve espresso in hot water. Fold into remaining filling with brandy and grated chocolate. 用热水冲泡2小勺的咖啡粉。慢慢加入剩下的乳酪混合物,接着加入白兰地和巧克力碎末。
14. Spoon mixture evenly over filling in pan; smooth top with spatula.把#13均匀的倒入烤盘里,表面抹匀了。
15. Place pan on oven rack. Pour enough hot water into roasting pan to come 1-inch up side of springform pan. 把#14放在烤箱的方形烤盘里,倒入热水,水要够到1寸高
16. Bake 1-1/4 hours or until center is just set. 隔水烘烤85分钟或是直到蛋糕体中间已经凝了。
17. Remove cheesecake from water bath. 把蛋糕从热水*浴*盘中移出。
18. Cool completely on wire rack. Remove foil, cover and refrigerate overnight.置凉于架上。把锡纸撕掉,盖上保鲜膜,放到冰箱,过夜冰镇。
19. Just before serving, run knife around edge of pan and remove sides.要动嘴时,拿把刀慢慢把蛋糕从模子弄开,就可以切片食用了。

[ Last edited by angelinatan_cn on 2005-2-7 at 03:20 ]

angelinatan_cn 发表于 2005-2-6 19:49

Ladyfinger Recipe 手指饼干

Eggs, 3 separated 鸡蛋,蛋白,蛋黄分开
Granulated Sugar, 6 tbs 砂糖
Cake Flour, sifted, 3/4 c 蛋糕粉
Confectioner's Sugar, 6 tbs 糖粉/糖霜

1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees, then brush 2 baking sheets with softened butter and line with parchment paper. 预热烤箱到350F,然后用黄油把烤纸刷一遍,再铺上张吸油纸。
2. Beat the egg whites with a whisk or electric mixer until stiff peaks form. 打蛋白直到硬性发泡。
3. Gradually beat in the granulated sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form again; the meringue will be glossy and smooth.. 慢慢加入砂糖,继续打直到硬泡再成型。蛋白糖混合物应该要柔软有光泽。
4. Lightly beat the egg yolks with a fork, and fold into the meringue with a wooden spoon. 把蛋黄轻轻打发,用木勺把蛋黄加入到蛋白糖混合物里。
5. Sift the flour over the mixture and fold in gently. 把面粉慢慢的筛入鸡蛋混合物,轻轻的混匀。
6. Pipe the ladyfingers: Fit the pastry bag with the large plain tip and fill with the ladyfinger batter.挤手指饼干了。拿个挤花嘴套入蛋糕布袋,开始顺一个方向挤。(见图)
7. Pipe strips of batter 5 in. long and 3/4 in. wide diagonally onto the baking sheets, leaving 1 to 2 in. between each strip. 长5寸,宽3/4寸的手指饼干间要留1-2寸宽。
8. Sprinkle half the confectioner's sugar over the ladyfingers; wait 5 minutes and sprinkle with the remaining sugar. 把一半糖霜洒在手指饼干上。等上5分钟,再洒上另外的一半糖霜。
9. Holding the parchment paper in place with your thumb, lift one side of the baking sheet and gently tap it on the work surface to remove excess confectioner's sugar. 把散落在纸上的多余糖霜弹掉。用大拇指压住吸油纸的一头,提起烤纸的一边,慢慢把糖霜弹抖出去。
10. Bake without opening the oven door for 10 min. 烤上10分钟,中间不要开烤箱。
11. Then, rotate the baking sheet so the ladyfingers color evenly. 把手指饼换个面烤,这样颜色才会上匀。
12. Cook until lightly golden, about 5 more minutes.烤5分钟左右,或是等到金黄色就可以了。
13. Remove the ladyfingers from the baking sheet with a metal spatula while still hot, and let cool on a rack. 把烤好的饼干趁热用不锈钢勺铲到钢架上置凉。

berlinsky 发表于 2005-2-6 21:17


angelinatan_cn 发表于 2005-2-6 21:21

Originally posted by berlinsky at 2005-2-7 04:17:

好像蛋糕的热量都不低.不过我找找. 你是翁美玲/黄蓉迷?

berlinsky 发表于 2005-2-6 21:24

Originally posted by angelinatan_cn at 2005-2-7 04:21 AM:
好像蛋糕的热量都不低.不过我找找. 你是翁美玲/黄蓉迷?
><前两天还被人讽刺我怀旧…… 嗯 喜欢她

我自从自己学烤蛋糕之后 外面卖的蛋糕就不敢多吃了……不是我的技术比较好 而是知道蛋糕里面的糖和脂肪是何其吓人的多了

angelinatan_cn 发表于 2005-2-6 21:32

Originally posted by berlinsky at 2005-2-7 04:24:

><前两天还被人讽刺我怀旧…… 嗯 喜欢她

我自从自己学烤蛋糕之后 外面卖的蛋糕就不敢多吃了……不是我的技术比较好 而是知道蛋糕里面的糖和脂肪是何其吓人的多了


berlinsky 发表于 2005-2-6 22:20

Originally posted by angelinatan_cn at 2005-2-7 04:32 AM:


我还创新地在cheese蛋糕里面加上抹茶粉 这样一举两得 又吃蛋糕又喝茶了 呵呵

心情人 发表于 2005-2-7 00:14


angelinatan_cn 发表于 2005-2-7 06:20

Originally posted by berlinsky at 2005-2-7 05:20:


我还创新地在cheese蛋糕里面加上抹茶粉 这样一举两得 又吃蛋糕又喝茶了 呵呵


1.奶油乳酪 150公克 熔化奶油 100公克 鲜奶 150公克
2.抹茶粉 6公克 玉米粉 20公克 低筋面粉 15公克
3.蛋黄 40公克
4.细砂糖 35公克
5.蛋白 120公克 细砂糖 70公克
4.将作法2、3的材料混合快速拌匀,将面糊倒入模型中,即可放入预热好的烤箱,以150℃隔水烘烤30分钟时,再将上火关掉续烤30分钟即可。 烘烤途中需留意水份是否足够,若已蒸发掉需补充热水。

[ Last edited by angelinatan_cn on 2005-2-7 at 13:22 ]

angelinatan_cn 发表于 2005-2-7 06:24

1.全蛋 1020公克 砂糖 510公克 盐 10公克
2.高筋面粉 175公克 低筋面粉 335公克 抹茶粉 20公克 乳化剂 50公克
3.牛奶 190公克 色拉油 190公克
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