本帖最后由 hellohellokitty 于 2012-1-6 21:33 编辑谢谢!{:5_335:}
这个类别还头回听说 多事之秋 发表于 2011-11-25 21:06 static/image/common/back.gif
Type C – Visitor Visa: A uniform visa for business/tourism purposes valid for travel within the entire Schengen Area for those nationals that require a visa to enter the Schegen Area (i.e., Schengen visa national). Visas can be valid for single or multiple-entry for a maximum duration of up to 90 cumulative days within a given 180-day period.
Type D – National Visa (Work Visa): Generally considered as a work visa within the Schengen Area, the D visa is a national visa issued by the host Schengen country of assignment. Once a work permit application is issued, if required by that country’s national immigration law, an assignee will apply for a D visa to enter the country of assignment, complete all work/residence permit registration formalities and await issuance of his or her residence permit.
除了长居,其他在这里学习工作的,一般都是D类签证吧 你直接申请那个国家的签证不可以么?据我的经验是,在申根国境内不能再申请任何类型的申根签证。
我去年在意大利拿的D+C签证呆了108天,想接着来德国,各国大使馆都问遍了。最后必须飞离了申根国,重新申请的德国的C签证才去到德国。我不知道当时我有没有算钻了漏洞,因为我查到申根的C类签证最多180天只能呆90天,我两边的C类加起来肯定超过。 linwangatusa 发表于 2011-11-26 09:27 static/image/common/back.gif
我去年在 ...