发表于 2005-2-16 22:21

我只记得以前在报纸上看到, 有一个人(好象是个美国人)专门请律师和大型笔记本电脑公司 打官司, 每次都赢得上百万的赔偿.

要不你也试试这种方式吧. 我觉得一个公司的形象很重要的, 他们花大笔的钱做广告, 这种毁坏形象的事情也敢做不晓得为什么. 你就去咨询一下懂法律的, 如果你赢的可能性很大的话, 建议你就去告他们. 肯定你赢.

himmelblau 发表于 2005-2-16 22:48

aboo 发表于 2005-2-17 07:21


akitokyo 发表于 2005-2-17 08:45


这边的佳能维修中心,我就4个字——qu t m d!为了修我的ixus 400,去了不下6次!天晓得!那个店在慕尼黑市郊,没有公交直达(有是有的,过去要至少2个小时),只好拜托gg开车带我过去,路很怪,走到后面都是小路和菜地,简直要吐血!如此这般来回4次!第一次去修,第二次要我亲笔委托修ccd阵列,第三次说修好了,拿回来一看,k!ccd是好了,快门被修坏了,第四次再拿过去修快门。

我真的是气不打一处来,如果不是已经付了300多欧,我就算买新得也不找他们修。真的是早知道如此,直接买一个EOS 300D算了!

joenchen 发表于 2005-2-17 11:11



专家有解释, 找类似中国的消费者协会. 不难解决.

可惜不记得在哪里看到的. 你在网上搜索一下, 应该能找到那个帖子.

TimoHildebrand 发表于 2005-2-17 14:05


hella 发表于 2005-2-17 17:05

Dear Manager ( Samsung Company):
         I am your customer of Samsung Laptop. You say you have the best servie after selling (24 hr pickup in Europe). That is the reason I choose samsung .
         But after I bought your product (samsung laptop), I am very dissapointed with your service. I want to resolve this problem by disscussing with you, but not by other way first.
I kept all material ,all facts and telephone record which can be used to demenstrate the story.
         You are brave to acknowledge your mistake, why not brave to take responssibiliy? Why let your customer to be responsible for your mistake?

         you make very simple thing very very complicated, here is the complicated storry:

1.December 2004 I found the DVD-writer ( super-multi) can not read any disc, I just bought this laptop 2 month ( a shop in Hamburg), I contacted the shop, they said, if they repair it, I will lose service from you (24 hr pickup service UPS). So I decided to contact samsung service directly.

2.I contact your service center at least 3 times, you (samsung) promised me to pick it up, and told me how to uninstall the DVD-writer from laptop. Then I waited for your 24hr pickup. 4 days later, I can not wait any more and contacted you again. It is amazing, you even did not input my case to computer! Then I ask the order again and again,to make it sure, I even ask a manual to uninstall the DVD-writer, they send it to me. Then I know who will be in charge ofmy case.

3. This time, it seems to work. UPS picked up the DVD-Writer soon. What made me happy is that I got repaired DVD-writer less than one week. When I opend the package. I found two dvd-writers, one is the original (old) one, another is new one.I went to your web page to learn something about your samsung repair policy ( one person from samsung service also explained it to me once). As you said, when you received the broken things, you will first check whether it can be repaired or not, as well as, you check who will be responsible for the broken of product. If it is not customer’s mistake, and if can be repaired, maybe it will take some days for repairing, if it can not be repaired, you will send customer a new one as a replacement, usually it is very quick.To make sure the old isthe one you can not repair. I reinstalled it to laptop, as I expected, it still did not work. My friend even suggested me to throw away the broken one ( because I got a new replacement from you),I think she was right, because even you ( computer specialist) can not repair it, how can we repair it? It is illegal to sell broken thing to others, so what is the use of the broken dvd-writer? It is useless like rubbish. But I decided to keep it.Anyway, if it is my rubbish ( you can not repair it and had gave me a new one), I have right to manage it as I want according to the law

4. to my surprise, the new one can not be inserted to laptop, finally I found, although this is the new dvd-writer,it does not match the type I bought. Then I contacted your service center, first they did not believe you could send a wrong type. And they guessed I do not kown how to install it. When I showed them the pickture of the new dvd-writer, they believe it. Then they promised me to change a correct type. But before sending another new one, you ask me to send back the new one( wrong type). I understand it altough I was not happy with that and wonder why not give me the correct one in the same time, in this way you can save money from UPS)

5. UPS came vey quick and picked up the new one (wrong type). As to The old broken one, I put back to computer box and never use it any more. Then I waited for your new one, wait and wait and wait. No response. One week later, when I called you again, your anwser surprised me, Asked me to send the laptop to you! Don’t you think it is ridiculous? It is you samsung taught me how to uninstall dvd-writer from laptop, you send manual to me by email. To replace the dvd-writer, why you need laptop? You samsung has more information about laptop than I have,you should know everything about the laptop you are selling. Don’t you know the correct type of dvd-writer? I can not believe it! It is easy, just send me the one with correct type.   Because I need laptop urgently, and most importanty, because you are big company (samsung), I would not like to believe samsung are cheating her customer. So I follow your suggestion.UPS came very quick and picked up my laptop.

6. again, no news any more. I contacted your service center again. I would say your anwser was really ridiculous, you said you need the old broken one! I ask what is the use of it, this is the rubbish I going to throw. You said you samsung sell too many laptops, you want to know exactly what is the type of the dvd-writer. I have to believe you once more, I hope samsung is not cheating.

7. UPS picked up the old broken one very quickly. Before picked it up, the person from ups, check the dvd-writer by his eyes, no problem was found. He put it back to the paper box I prepared and left. But as I expected, no information from you any more.

8. I have to call you again, your anwser made me very angry. You would not send me a new one, as you said , the old broken dvd-writer was broken!This is the mostridiculous anwser I have ever heard. Do youthink the sentence is logical? On the other hand, you repeated several times, that you made some mistake during repairing, you are so brave to acknowledge your mistake ( Mr. Lehman), why not be responsible for that?Then you have new idea to fool me, you said during transportation, UPS break the DVD-writer, anyway, the custermer will not responsible for that (Mr. Lehman said). You ask UPS to compensate. But UPS will give anwser in 8 days. Now I have to believe Samsung is not cheating her customer.

9. eight days later, I called you again, you changed your words again. And said maybe I should pay for it by myself if UPS define the writer was not broken by UPS. You samsung is so smart. You acknoledge your mistake, but would not responsible for that.How can UPS acknoledge their mistake if it was defined by themselves.You said ups use machine to scan all the product they transported. But what I saw is they check it by their eyes when get the dvd-writer, no problem was found at that time, that is why they accepted the dvd-writr. When I got the broken old one, I just installed it once to check whether it is true that you can not repair, then I put it into paper box.It is also possible you break it when you first time try to repair it, but you failed to repaire it (you broke DVD-writer when you were repairing it?), that is why you gave me a new one for replacementtogether with rubbish ( old broken one)

I need your clear answer how to resolve this problem


xiao9 发表于 2005-2-17 18:14


shinecl 发表于 2005-2-17 19:44


hella 发表于 2005-2-17 21:09

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查看完整版本: 在德国竟然遇到这种事情,只有愤怒?