德国的4er Tickets 的 有效期是多长
德国的4er Tickets 的 有效期是多长?求指导!谢谢! or everyone who often uses public transport
The 4-Ticket can be used for four trips of the respective price level and is available for adults and children in all price levels - it cannot be used for short trips!.
The 4-Ticket can also be used by several people at the same time. There are two types of the ticket. The one can be validated two times on the front and two times on the back, the other one is to be validated four times on one side.
Before starting your trip you have to validate one field per trip.
Period of validity of 4-Tickets
Single and 4-Tickets may only be used for a certain period of time after their validation - depending on the price level. During this period of time you may interrupt your trip and - if necessary - change the means of transport. Detours, round trips or return trips are not possible.
... for a short trip: 20 min
... for trips at price levels 1a and 1b (CityTicket):90 min
... for trips at price levels 2a and 2 b (CityPlusTicket): 120 min
... for trips at price levels 3 and 4 (RegioTicket): 180 min
... for trips at price level 5 (RegioTicket): 360 min
不是每个城市都一样的。 Mein-2Rad 发表于 2011-12-26 21:53 static/image/common/back.gif
or everyone who often uses public transport
The 4-Ticket can be used for four trips of the respec ...
谢谢。我想知道的是买了这票后,一个月可以使用,还一年内可以使用? 上面不是写了吗,没有有效期的,只是第一次使用之后,会有限时