Looking for professional chinese teacher
Hello,a friend and I are looking for a professional chinese teacher.
We are both male and are thinking about 2-4 houres per week. Our chinese Level is A2.2.
Area: Hamburg Wandsbek / Barmbek (we can have class at my place)
You do not have to speak good german (actually we only want to speak in chinese with you)
Contact me if you are interested and we can talk about the details.
E-Mail: exe1984hamburg@googlemail.com
Regards, Hi, I am interested. You can drop a note to me at Itzehoe2011@gmail.com or website box.
Hi, I will contact you. Anybody else interested? {:5_315:} I sent u one email. I ama professional chinese teacher, I have the certificates from USA and UK, but unfortunately I am not in Hamburg. here is a beautiful girl who also interested in this ,kindly send message to me . 本帖最后由 古典酷儿 于 2012-2-24 22:56 编辑
楼上回复的好暧昧啊 还要加上漂亮 晕 你直接招亲去得了 interessant!