本帖最后由 Panorea 于 2013-3-4 21:58 编辑大家好.
大家回个帖吧 :-)发邮件给我也行rhyme222@hotmail.com 宝宝分队里面有汉堡妈妈聚会贴的,你经常去看看吧。 你住得还挺市中心的, 我家宝宝已5岁了, 哈哈。 有空逛街。 schatzlan 发表于 2012-11-26 11:40
你住得还挺市中心的, 我家宝宝已5岁了, 哈哈。 有空逛街。
你家住在汉堡哪儿的呀?宝宝是男宝还是女宝?全职妈妈吗? schatzlan 发表于 2012-11-26 11:40 static/image/common/back.gif
你住得还挺市中心的, 我家宝宝已5岁了, 哈哈。 有空逛街。
你的男宝宝长得好可爱! 愿意到市中心喝杯咖啡吗.我们都把宝宝带上 本帖最后由 schatzlan 于 2012-12-15 19:49 编辑
Panorea 发表于 2012-11-27 17:29 static/image/common/back.gif
她是女宝宝哦!! 我也想住Jungfernstieg, 推着随便走走就到湖边儿了{:5_379:} 我家宝宝也是四个月多一点, hi. My daughter will be 5 month old tomorrow. I focus on how to make her sleep better these months?
And how does your baby sleep? It is great that we may meet sometimes.
Sorry, i can not type Chinese with the PC
mengdreamtraum 发表于 2013-2-5 14:00
hi. My daughter will be 5 month old tomorrow. I focus on how to make her sleep better these months?
hi my baby sleeps really bad. she wakes up every two hours and i have to feed her still, even though she is almost 8 month old now. 5 month is the time your baby starts teething, so probably the teeth pain will not let neither she nor u sleep tight. ;)