各位前辈, 小弟学机械目前刚刚毕业.中介给了个 2年befristet Arbeitnehmerüberlassung的合同,但是工资已经到达申请蓝卡的标准. 因为是überlassung的合同,拿工签估计是没戏,那我是不是可以直接申请蓝卡代替工签?那这两者是不是就是一样拉? 职场新人还望多多关照,谢谢大家 不能 这个是我找到的蓝卡的介绍里说的,貌似没提到合同的年限Who can apply for the EU blue card?
A foreigner, a citizen of a non-EU- country, can apply for the EU blue card if
a) he or she has a German or an accredited foreign or a university degree that is comparable to a German one.
b) he or she has a working contract with a gross annual compensation of at least 本帖最后由 shiroki 于 2013-6-13 17:35 编辑
at least
46.400 (3.867 Euros per month), a contract in the so-called shortage occupation (scientists, mathematics, engineers, doctors and IT- skilled workers) with the amount of 36.192 (3.016 Euros per month).