本帖最后由 ws832863 于 2013-8-6 11:19 编辑最近需要用到简单的录音软件,就去360市场下了一个名叫 Voice PRO 的录音软件,
Dear User,the copy of Voice PRO for Android that you are trying to install on your device is fake.
Voice PRO is a brand and a patent application developed by A&G SOFTWARE ITALY SRL
Infringement of copyrights is a criminal offense in Europe.The fine is up to 300.000 EUR and a term of up to 3 years imprisonment.
To protect our rights and in respect of European laws in terms of data protection, we have collected yourIP address and your Email address
Your Email: xxxx@gmail.com
Your IP: 131.234.x'x.xxxx
If you intend to solve the problem in an extra court way, proceed with the purchase of the license by using the link above and share with the receipt of payment by replying to this email.
Click here to proceed with the license purchase
我立即卸载了...怎么破, 以前收过FAREDS的信,惊弓之鸟...不然就买下来...反正不贵,9欧,只是觉得很窝囊啊.
倒不是不购买正版, 其他能买的必须用的都是正版, 朗文的德德字典都直接正版了...
但是这个实在是感觉被坑了..怎么破?希望大家投票说下自己意见... 我觉得就是吓唬人的吧,他都没有你的姓名住址什么的怎么告你