本帖最后由 keine009 于 2013-8-25 11:43 编辑请问,我想买这个包,邮寄过来会不会有海关税阿。先谢拉
If delivery is outside the European Union, 'customs or import duty / tax' may become payable when packages reach their destination country, and if so, YOU MUST PAY the duty /tax before you can receive packages. We have no control over customs charges and cannot predict what they may be. Customs policies and charges vary widely from country to country; you may wish to contact your local customs office for clarification. If you do not pay the customs duty / tax, the package(s) may be returned to us by the Courier, and we will NOT provide a refund in this case.
We provide appropriate customs documents with all our internationally delivered packages.
明人指点吧!!{:5_336:} {:5_383:} {:5_456:} 英国不会啦 因为也是欧盟 只不过没加入申根国。 jolinadam 发表于 2013-8-25 10:47
英国不会啦 因为也是欧盟 只不过没加入申根国。
谢谢,{:5_336:}我刚才google一下。确实不会,只要不über die Kanalinseln邮寄就好,比如Jersey岛。据说通过那里邮寄会便宜。但是就会有关税了