想2月份从杜塞搬去澳洲,家里的东西想带着,大概要打包几十个箱子,听说有混租集装箱走海运的,不知道谁有经验?或者DHL靠谱么? 恭喜恭喜,同求怎么搬家去美国 shixishixi 发表于 2014-1-7 13:36
I am leaving on 13th Jan. to the USA. if you need,maybe I can give you some suggestion. but at the moment I am not able to type in Chinese. wolff 发表于 2014-1-7 14:13
I am leaving on 13th Jan. to the USA. if you need,maybe I can give you some suggestion. but at t ...
哈哈,欢迎回帖建议,英文的也可以。 哇,好帅,澳洲好好啊,我也喜欢那