我记得你的是mawista 的吧?我也是,是那个中档的,每月60欧左右。我这个只报销产后Hebamme 的16次家访,不 ...
每月就60欧的保费? 好便宜哦 unique503 发表于 2014-1-29 23:57
我记得你的是mawista 的吧?我也是,是那个中档的,每月60欧左右。我这个只报销产后Hebamme 的16次家访,不 ...
谢谢你!孩子出生后住院保险也应该报销吧!是不是这1500都是住院体检的费用?蓝光也是为了治疗用的,也不给报销吗? 本帖最后由 mistcui 于 2014-2-3 20:46 编辑
我们家也是MAWISTA science保险,今天刚咨询了相关问题,答复如下
In case of pregnancies, we cover the benefit during the insured period that would be covered by public health service, which include normally ultrasonic test, and other tests recommended according to the present law § 1 Nr 2 VB K 08 MS.
The delivery costs are also covered.
The mid-wife could visit you if you wish after birth of child for max. 16 visits. This is standard feature, to help out with post natal problems.
A general check-up for mother or a child and any preventive measures like vaccinations are not covered.
After the baby is born, you have the possibility to insure it under mawista Science. Please be aware, that the child can only be insured for the same insurance period as your contract is concluded.
Also please be aware, that in comparison to a public insurance, which offers better benefits, children also are not insured for preventive treatments – for example vaccinations, check-ups, etc.
所以也很关心lz的问题,孩子出生后打算在德国再生活半年多,不知道相对于公保来说,咱们这个保险要多花多少钱? mistcui 发表于 2014-2-3 20:44
我们家也是MAWISTA science保险,今天刚咨询了相关问题,答复如下
In case of pregnancies, we cover the...
请问你这个保险一个月多少钱?孩子保险多少钱? leekchangt 发表于 2014-2-4 10:21
从第二年开始72.1欧每个月,孩子没出来呢,不知道入保险每月多少呢 Mawista的保险经历
(出处: 德国热线-德国实用信息网-萍聚社区)
我新开了帖,楼主你可以去看一下~ 第三个月去打了第一针疫苗155欧,第四个月第二针,155欧。
体检,U1,U2不清楚,U3大概50欧(没做B超),U4也是50欧。 shenmohaha 发表于 2014-2-6 16:04
体检,U1,U2不清楚,U3大概50欧(没做B超),U ...
谢谢你的回复!可以第三个月再去打疫苗吗? leekchangt 发表于 2014-2-8 11:23