就是"随便"的意思拉,有点象"I DONT'T CARE"有没有一个词可以准确的表达出这个意思的 Let it be意境方面感觉有点像吧 it doesn't matter whatever ... I thingk it may be "After you" or"At will" egal ob (warum, wer et cetera) no matter if (why, who, et cetera);
das ist egal, it doesn't matter;
das ist mir egal I don't care, it's all the same to me . Originally posted by annieingermany at 2005-5-30 19:50
egal ob (warum, wer et cetera) no matter if (why, who, et cetera);
das ist egal, it doesn't matter;
das ist mir egal I don't care, it's all the same to me .
呵呵多谢了哦,偶想到EGAL的用法差不多都在这里了 呵呵,我说呀,应该翻译成I dont give a shit.
fuck off!美国同学告诉我的
............... 原帖由 冰冰茶 于 2005-9-2 02:04 发表...............
这好象是Scheiße EGAL$怕怕$