帮人借问下,Master刚刚毕业,想申请另外一所大学做Mitarbeiter,不是Promotion,EG13,但是只有70%,2年的befristet,能申请工作签证或者蓝卡么,对以后申请长居有影响么 可以吧 蓝卡估计不够Who can apply for the EU blue card?
A foreigner, a citizen of a non-EU- country, can apply for the EU blue card if
a) he or she has a German or an accredited foreign or a university degree that is comparable to a German one.
b) he or she has a working contract with a gross annual compensation of at least 48.400 (4.034 Euros per month), a contract in the so-called shortage occupation (scientists, mathematics, engineers, doctors and IT- skilled workers) with the amount of 37.752 (3.146 Euros per month).
http://www.bluecard-eu.de/eu-blue-card-germany/ 70%应该够一般的工签了吧,2000多了呢,不过蓝卡貌似是得4000吧。lz还是问问外国人管理局吧 是的 工资是不够的 查了下大概只有2400欧第一年,学校还是在西边 扣了税估计也就勉强维生 不过蓝卡不是还看专业么?自然科学什么的,好像3000多就可以了啊。楼主你再好好查查。