这个长得和西芹很相似的DD,最长能有2尺,其实吃的就是它的根茎,叶子是不能吃的。 大黄大家都把它当成水果吃,其实呢,是一种非常酸 的蔬菜。它有很多品种,但是基本是分为2大类: Hothouse和Field-Grown。
Hothouse rhubarb的颜色是粉红到淡红的根茎,叶子是黄绿色。
而 Field-grown plants,味道要更重些,颜色是樱桃红,叶子是绿色的。这东西买回来后,还不能放太久,要不就会不新鲜了。最多放3天。还得用保鲜膜包好,放在冰箱里。 据说和草莓一起来烤成派在美国非常流行。
我这个蛋糕是用黄糖制作的,所以颜色就是深些。据说大黄有减肥作用,也不知道做成蛋糕后,是不是还有这个功效。。。 Moist Rhubarb Coffeecake
2 cups cake flour 蛋糕粉(用140g的中粉+80g玉米粉)
1 teaspoon baking powder 烤粉
1 teaspoon baking soda 小苏打
1/2 teaspoon salt 盐
1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar, plus 2 tablespoons 黄糖(我就用了3/4杯+1大勺)
1 egg 鸡蛋
1 cup plain low fat yogurt 低脂酸奶
1/2 cup applesauce 苹果酱(我用Apple Kompot)
1 teaspoon vanilla 香草精
3 cups uncooked rhubarb, coarsely chopped 大黄切粗丁状
Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt into a large bowl.
(我一共过筛了3次,这样蛋糕做出来才够松软,好吃) In a separate bowl, mix the egg and sugar then add the yogurt, applesauce, and vanilla.
Stir into the flour mixture until blended, then add the chopped rhubarb and mix well.
筛入面粉,稍微混合。再放入大黄,拌匀。 Turn into a 9-inch square pan that is greased or sprayed with non-stick spray. Sprinkle top with remaining sugar.
原方子用的是9寸方形烤盘,我用的是圆模。没差别的。把备好的面糊徐徐倒入事先抹油(防沾,这样蛋糕很好脱模),然后再面糊上面均匀洒上一大勺黄糖。然后把烤模稍微轻轻拍打,让面糊分布更均匀些。 Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes until the cake tests done in the center.
把蛋糕面糊放入预热烤箱350F,烤上30-35分钟。把烤盘放在从上往下数的第3层。烤到20分钟时,可以看一下蛋糕是不是已经上色了,如果你觉得已经到了你满意的颜色,可以在蛋糕上面铺张锡纸,然后继续烤。看蛋糕是不是好了,你可以用支牙签插在蛋糕中间,取出后,如果牙签是干干静静的,那么蛋糕就是好了。 1/4 lb butter 黄油
1 c Sugar, brown, light 黄糖
1 Egg 鸡蛋
1 c Cooked rhubarb, drained ** 大黄(要经过稍微加工,呆会在细说)
2 c Flour 405#面粉
1/4 ts Salt 盐
1 ts Baking soda 小苏打
1 ts Nutmeg, grated 小豆蔻粉
1 ts Cinnamon 肉桂粉
1/2 ts Ground cloves 丁香粉
3 T crystallized ginger; finely chopped (opt) 堂子姜切碎(不放也可以)
1/2 c Walnuts; chopped 核桃,切碎
1 c raisins 提子 先备大黄
** To cook rhubarb: Use a proportion of 4 cups sliced rhubarb cut in 1/2-inch pieces to 1 cup sugar. Toss the rhubarb and sugar 1/2-inch pieces to 1 cup sugar. Toss the rhubarb and sugar together and let steep overnight (you will be amazed at how much juice the rhubarb gives off). Pour off 3/4 cup of the liquid and use for a drink.
Cook the rhubarb slices in the remaining until just tender but still holding their shathe remaining until just tender but still holding their shape, less than 5 minutes. The rhubarb is ready to eat as is, to use in other recipes, or to freeze in containers.
用剩下的汁把大黄用小火煮到软嫩,但是不要让它都碎了,差不多要5分钟。这时的大黄其实也可以吃,或是用来做饼干,或是把它们冻起来,用的时候才拿出。 Cream the butter and sugar together. Add the egg and beat until light, then stir in the rhubarb.
Stir the flour, salt, baking soda, and spices together and toss until thoroughly mixed. Stir the dry ingredients into the rhubarb mixture until the two are blended, then fold in the optional ginger, the walnuts, and the raisins.
Drop the batter by the tablespoonful onto greased baking sheets about 1 1/2 inches apart
把面糊用糖勺勺入抹油的烤纸上,每个饼干间要留出1+1/2寸的间距。 Bake in a preheated 350 F oven for 12 minutes, until lightly browned at the edges.
时间的长短要根据饼干的大小,我的饼干做的都像是干体力活的人吃的,特大块头。。。所以我烤了将近25分钟。 坐上沙发了..........:lol::lol::lol: