我的不是卡,是贴纸 tiannan叶 发表于 2016-3-31 21:39
所以说,你必须申请签证,只有卡的不要签证 ladulit 发表于 2016-3-31 18:44
You’ll need a visa to pass through the UK in ...
“The permits must be stand-alone documents in card form (initially they could also be stickers attached to another official paper).”
http:// eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/LSU/?uri=celex:32002R1030 ladulit 发表于 2016-3-31 18:44
You’ll need a visa to pass through the UK in ...
我找到了德国的有效居留的所有文件,所以我决定去试一试,把这些都打印下来带着www. consilium.europa.eu/prado/en/prado-documents/deu/h/index.html tiannan叶 发表于 2016-3-31 22:07
我找到了德国的有效居留的所有文件,所以我决定去试一试,把这些都打印下来带着www. consilium.europa.eu ...
你要是回国的话,一定要问好航空公司让不让你上飞机!!!因为它们可是不管这些欧盟的乱七八糟文件的! 被你们上面纸和卡的讨论笑哭了。纸是卡他爹,卡不是必须的,没有那个纸不会给你发那个卡,那个卡是可以申请的。 哈哈,楼主是伦敦转机是吧?我在伦敦转机过5+次,从来没办理过英国签证。另外,我的德国签证是纸质的,我没有卡,签证是贴在护照里的那种。供你参考~~ ladulit 发表于 2016-3-31 17:44
You’ll need a visa to pass through the UK in ...
Look at the BOLD FONT.
f) Passengers having a valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state
or Switzerland.
Passengers having a valid common format residence permit issued by an EEA state or
Switzerland do not have to be travelling to or from the country which issued the permit.
Please note that there are several forms of residence permits issued by EEA states but the
only acceptable permits are those which are issued following the directions given in the Council
Regulation (EC) No. 1030/2002.
These permits may take the form of a vignette (sticker) in a passport or a plastic card. There
are several common features of these cards all set out in the directive – the permits are
coloured mainly pink and blue, each has an EU Kinegram, also printed on the permits is the
image of a bull and five stars. All other permits such as the large A4 sized Italian Permesso di
Soggiorno, or an Irish Work Permit sticker are not common format residence permits and are
not acceptable as an exemption document for DATV nationals seeking to TWOV. 有了过境签.可以出海关吗?比如说出去玩儿一天再飞国内?