lucyola 发表于 2016-5-4 22:08


抓紧时间 发表于 2016-5-4 22:37

fusion 发表于 2016-5-4 18:46
你要想明白留完学你想干嘛....不是个讽刺故事,一个人十年前卖了北京房子下海,十年内满头苦干,没有休假 ...


limit 发表于 2016-5-4 23:25

eva0119 发表于 2016-5-4 15:02
是的, 我不是来征求意见的.我是希望找同伴, 和有同样想法的人.


sugizo 发表于 2016-5-4 23:31

z.sun 发表于 2016-5-4 22:19
不愧是江南女子,细腻啊!你不提醒,还真没注意到楼主单词拼错了。就楼主的语言能力而言,留学,任重道远 ...


crystal_ntx 发表于 2016-5-5 00:34

劝你去个英文国家 德语从头学起两年能说流利已经不容易 再读两年硕士 毕业了德国税收是收入的一半 留下来条件非常苛刻因为不是移民国家 留不下来白交的税又不值当

JB2010 发表于 2016-5-5 07:08

eva0119 发表于 2016-5-4 13:38
life is too short and only one time . it is not like an exam , you can not ask for one more chance ...

Anyway, you have my support! But, please keep it in mind: by my own experience, if you wanna enrich ur life experience and self-contentment, do it; if you simply looking for a better life, think again, whether its worth it? Whether you have to leave everything behind and just go to a new world?

pongpongchuan 发表于 2016-5-5 07:25

dalingyuan 发表于 2016-5-4 18:39
非常关键一点:楼主是男是女?中国男生在德国过得不爽的比较多,所以黑德国的不少;中国女生在德国大长腿随 ...

中国男生在德国过得不爽的比较多... 请问主要是什么不好呢。。找对象么 。。对结婚的男的 呢 。。

pattonoriental 发表于 2016-5-5 07:28

楼主这个年龄如果不做这件事 以后做的机会就更小了

JB2010 发表于 2016-5-5 08:00

and, going to a 'developed country' doesn't mean you gonna have a better life for sure. actually, everything is harder. i left china when i was 18, i had the nerve to take shit from the locals( an English speaking country), simply cos of my poor English then. but when i came to Germany when i was close to 30, i didn't wanna give a shit anymore. so the result is that, i am still with my poor German. according to what you wrote, ur English is good for china, and for germany , as work-wise, you have to improve, otherwise you don't have much advantages here. and for ur own comfort, you have to spend alot of time on German. anyway, think through , face the fact and make sure you know what advantages and disadvantages you got, just be realistic.

清源师 发表于 2016-5-5 08:13

eva0119 发表于 2016-5-4 10:24
既是国企也是500强, 年薪18w,bj. 想去么 ?

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