爸爸妈妈的探亲签证去瑞士的苏伊士, 日内瓦有没有问题啊?
爸爸妈妈的探亲签证去瑞士的苏伊士, 日内瓦有没有问题啊? 有朋友指点一下没? 先谢了!回复 #1 紫罗兰 的帖子
3个月内的申根签证是不行的!!这个我最清楚,我就住在瑞士边界,而且以前我父母也来过。不过,运气好的话,正好碰上海关警察去抽烟什么的,就可以创过关了。上次,我们运气比较好,嘻嘻。运气不好的话,到了边境还得再回头。很多人运气不太好的。 还是不要冒险吧。曾听一个朋友说过,她的一个朋友刚开始拿着3个月的签证去瑞士玩,边境和火车上没看到警察,可是在公园里玩的时候遇到了巡警,结果被罚了款。:(还是要小心呀。
Number of Entry
我最近也在关心这事情.结果就是不行, 而且闯关后果很严重!!!
很多Schengen签证的持有人不大重视 Number of Entry,
这个一般都是1, 偶尔也有MULTI的.
对于Number of Entry =1 的人来说,
理论上说, 他必须接受罚款, 并从瑞士离境,
这种事情已经发生过了!! 肯定不行,要是多次入境申根国家的签证,还能申请入境瑞士。要是单次的,就别想了。 原帖由 bernds 于 2005-7-18 20:26 发表
还要申请吗? Visa application for holders of a Schengen-Visa
The visa for Switzerland must be obtained in your country of residence. An application can be submitted exceptionally in Germany at any consular office. It takes at least 24 hours to process your request.
The following documents must be submitted personally at the Swiss consular office:
* your passport (valid for at least 3 months when leaving Switzerland)
* Schengen-Visa with multiple entries
* 1 photograph
* visa application form
* The visa application fee is Euro 36.00 to be paid in cash. The processing of the visa application begins as soon as the Swiss Representation receives the form "Visa application for Switzerland", duly completed and signed by the applicant together with the required pieces of documentary evidence. Should the visa be informally refused, the application fee will not be refunded.
* for business trips: invitation letter (or fax) from the company in Switzerland
* when visiting friends/relatives: invitation letter (or fax) and copy of passport of the host
* for tourists: hotel reservation, rental car agreement or tickets
When visiting friends/relatives or travelling as a tourist, some or all the following documents might also be required: return airline ticket to your country of residence, travel insurance for your trip to Switzerland, official German invitation form (Verpflichtungserklärung) and a copy of the last salary statement. 瑞士边警对亚洲人查得比较严,我礼拜天刚去过,十分钟内,就我一辆车给查了护照,其余全部放行。
PS:瑞士的汽油真便宜。 原帖由 whitia 于 2005-7-18 20:57 发表