美国 VS 中国
都说美国好.如果美国有中国一样多的人口的话并且还可以治理成中国现在这个样子的话,我算她有本事! 原帖由 westfalen 于 2005-9-15 16:46 发表都说美国好.如果美国有中国一样多的人口的话并且还可以治理成中国现在这个样子的话,我算她有本事!
这辈子哪有那么多如果.LZ既然不想去美国就不要去, 没必要找那么多理由.
强烈支持!美国口口声声的人权,怎么这次飓风一来还变成那样?而且布什那只狗的老妈居然说出那种没人性的话,那是一个曾经是大国元首第一夫人说的话吗? 她说了啥了
没看新闻 原帖由 sweetysuse 于 2005-9-15 21:47 发表
这只能说明bush政府不行.美国有能力的总统还是不少的. 原帖由 yali 于 2005-9-15 22:13 发表
好象是说灾民很幸运,有人救援什么的.已经被美国媒体骂死了. 呵呵,谁敢骂领导的家眷,而且还是在公共媒体上骂?
美国如果没有人权,总统他妈是能骂的吗 不是,是说这些灾民受灾应该没什么好抱怨的,因为受灾时的生活条件比平时还好 刚查了一下, 媒体报道的他妈妈说的话在下面 - 红色字体.
September 08, 2005
Barbara Bush on Hurricane Katrina Refugees
It is, without doubt, the quote of the hour — a remark attributed to ex-first lady and mother-of-the-president Barbara Bush during a visit to the Hurricane Katrina refugee shelter in the Houston Astrodome:
What I'm hearing, which is sort of scary, is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.
Some folks are loathe to believe she actually said this. As one reader wrote, "I would like to see the transcript, hear the video, see something other than this to confirm what Barbara Bush reportedly said. I find this difficult to believe, as she is a compassionate and caring person and was a wonderful first lady (regardless of opinions about her husband or son)."
The fact is, she did say it during a question-and-answer session with a reporter for "Marketplace," a program aired on National Public Radio. Audio recordings of both the finished segment and the original, unedited interview are available online.
In fairness, the comment was extracted from a lengthier exchange in which Mrs. Bush did express compassion for the Katrina refugees she had encountered, but that hasn't stopped critics of the Bush administration from comparing it to Marie Antoinette's alleged response to the plight of the poor on the eve of the French Revolution: "If they have no bread, let them eat cake."
White House press secretary Scott McClellan defended Barbara Bush's comments thus: "I think that the observation is based on someone or some people that were talking to her that were in need of a lot of assistance, people that have gone through a lot of trauma and been through a very difficult and trying time. And all of a sudden, they are now getting great help in the state of Texas from some of the shelters."
Poll: Do you think Barbara Bush's remarks about Katrina refugees were insensitive?1) Yes2) No3) Not sure 原帖由 大花猫 于 2005-9-15 23:20 发表
我看过一个电视采访新奥尔良市长.他说他和Bush, 州长和一些congressmen在总统飞机上讨论怎么应对灾情.他知道这次救援缓慢是因为Bush和州长没达成一致倒底州里的国民卫队应该由谁指挥,所以他指着Bush和州长说, 你,还有你,应该坐下来谈谈应该怎么办,有什么结果告诉我.结果Bush和州长到了一个小屋开会,出来Bush说州长需要24小时考虑.然后市长说,你们应该接着讨论把问题解决,Bush和州长只好又回去开会,回来说州长还是需要24小时.后来因为市长很久不能洗澡,最后Bush让他在自己的飞机上洗的.当时觉得市长真敢讲.也就是在媒体的攻势下,Bush承认自己救灾失误,他任命的一个白痴官员引咎辞职.
[ 本帖最后由 flyingpig 于 2005-9-15 23:48 编辑 ]