宇宙一再告诫人的幸福底线密码是每片雪花都循序则社会就不会雪崩 (Attached at the end of this letter is an English translation of this letter from the help of web software)金古羽是人,就必然毕生求幸福。而幸福感是由宇宙能量合作顺畅产生的,因此社会合作行为程序链接机制就是幸福的底线安全保障,抓手就是以序为纲,人人循序。现在科学成就越多,人类越不知安全的边界与幸福的真谛何在。人必趋利避害,因此问题之要是价值判断。幸福真价值唯求于自然科学,因人与人类社会都不过是宇宙能量组合合作的模式。贯满宇宙万象全时空而承托万象存继的构建底线只有两个,“有”什么,与“有”的运动轨迹即程序。自普朗克起科学已揭示:这个世界除了量子振动其实什么都不存在。量子振动,就是宇宙能量运行程序化的编程,形成现实宇宙基本粒子的最小之“有”模式。基本粒子程序化持续叠加编程而有天地万象。人的本体是能量(包括编程如ChatGPT彰显般的意识能量)编程的程序合作动态平衡演绎过程,人的社会合作任何形态本质也是行为的程序编程........。一切人能知觉而彰显为“有”的存在与能量交换演绎,都赖于程序化编程。这源于人类尚未认知的承托宇宙万象的程序定质规律——运行程序“顺”畅而能保障合作链接机制可持续就是万事万物生死与存继可持续的幸福命门:1、幸福价值不在“有”,因所有的“有”都来自程序合作的“顺”,幸福就是程序合作“顺”的感觉。人类比其它动物更善于程序化合作才创造了人类文明。因为宇宙本质既不是物质的也不是意识的而是程序的,这是揭开人类所有迷惑的金钥匙。2、“顺”的抓手唯是程序,因此,想获得幸福,就要做任何事都以序为纲,循序定度,这是文明的本质与科学行为机制。3、唯人人都循序,则事事能精准定度,序清度明,整个社会才能动态平衡而可持续发展。4、宇宙能量原始乱态是熵,唯循序定度逆熵才生编程的宇宙万象。故凡为目的乱既定程序,而不是循序明度来推陈出新,就是投机,凡投机则是自戕。聪明,是对投机者的描述;智慧,是对循序者的赞誉。5、人类初识世界,看到的是“有”,不知“有”唯来自程序之“顺”畅编程合作。于是为占“有”之目的而不顾程序手段乱斗,这实为弃本逐末的愚蠢行为。因“有”,是程序“顺”之本质幻化的表象,所以人类迄今一直以不断幻化各类表象“有”为追逐的价值核心,造就不同的意识逻辑之“树”,形成当前不断杂乱幻变的社会意识丛林。唯程序定质规律能通释万“树”于同一性。人类学会循序定度,才能走出当前危机四伏的低级互斗丛林文明,走向可持续和谐合作的高级文明科学平台。这是人人都能获的幸福生活的唯一科学方向。因为人类必循宙底层规律才能创造文明成果,但到现在的基本价值观又将使用成果导向与宇宙底层科学规律相反方向,所以每个文明成果的天使都会同时被魔鬼化。于是文明成果越大其毁灭全人类的能量与可能就越加速增大。谚语说,雪崩时,每一片雪花都不是无辜的。因此人类必须加紧人人学会循序定度的做事机制,使每一片雪花都循序,整个人类社会就不会雪崩而走向毁灭。故请审阅《览要简说满灌人类所知觉的整个宇宙时空而主宰人类一切的宇宙本质底层构架之程序定质规律纲要要点——兼及简说人类文明的本质及其循序定度之核心演绎机制》一万五千字文章,可致1878508332@qq.com获取。期遇精英们将这篇文章翻译并发向所有可以刊登的媒体广泛传播。唯此方能自救。2014年2月7日,习主席接受专访时,就指出了人类必须学会“十个手指(循序合作)弹琴”做事才是科学的方式,就是因为宇宙底层程序定质规律要求我们做任何事都必须循程序之谱,使十指循序合作才是成事的科学方法。善莫大于让天下人士尽欢颜!当人类能完成这样的思维模式底层社会工程:每个人意识里都不再为“有”而争,而是为“顺”而辨,才能实现习主席指引构建的人类命运共同体的全人类和谐大合作宏伟蓝图。为“顺”而辨的社会生态表现为:所有人从潜意识开始已经非常清晰,这个世界,没有对错,没有好坏,所有的问题,都是合不合适而能实现否动态平衡的问题。而合不合适的问题,唯是程序问题。本短文及文章都将试向能找得到的媒体邮箱投稿,以求共同甄别这应就是来自宇宙一直在以各种方式传递给人类的生死信息:人类社会所以不顺畅而来回乱折腾,就是因为人类一直把这个宇宙世界本末弄颠倒了。误以为“有”了,即到达目的了,就会“顺”(如以经济发展之“有”为文明“顺”导向)的思维模式及其行为,殊不知这种认知是本末倒置而漂浮在这个宇宙演绎本真的表象上的。所以迄今为止所有的科学成果都只是这个宇宙本质的片面逻辑碎片,浮于虚幻、乱于认知、无从沟通。这是人类所有不幸的乱源。幸而现在的科学成就已经令宇宙本质彰显昭然,只是整个人类被颠倒的价值判断误导,仍然被囚困在原始低级的思维模式习惯中,与宇宙本质不同频而陌生与排斥,故仍然视而不见、用而不知、自戕不叕。人类始终挣不脱乱顺反复频繁折腾魔咒而走不出酱缸陷阱。若达得天听,最易将开释万惑之门的程序定质规律金钥匙撒向人间大地,由此必功益万世不竭。但天太高太远,十几年呼之空灵,而这不被熟知且即使被触及也因针对的是每个人灵魂深处革命的真音又难于在地上传续而不被误扼。以乌俄风云和人类欢呼中并没有真意识到的ChatGPT演示了毁灭魔盒已经开启,又容不得再迟疑就此事当急的呼吁:每一个人都必须尽快认知程序定质规律,人类才能自我拯救。可有人类精英解助布施?欢迎传播本文。附本文英文译文(Because what this article wants to call attention to is that human beings urgently need a brand-new cosmology and world view to promote human beings to build new scientific ideas, so some new concepts that have never existed before may not be properly translated with the help of the Internet.Therefore, all human elites are welcome to check the aforementioned original Chinese text, re-translate and spread it.)The bottom line code of happiness that the universe has repeatedly warned people is that every snowflake follows the procedure, and the society will not avalanche Kim Guyu As a person, he must pursue happiness all his life. The sense of happiness is produced by the smooth cooperation of cosmic energy,therefore, the link mechanism of social cooperation behavior program is the bottom line security guarantee of happiness.The key to grasping happiness is to use order as the key link, and everyone follows the order. The more scientific achievements are made now, the less human beings know where the boundaries of safety and the true meaning of happiness lie.People must seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so the problem is value judgment.The true value of happiness can only be found in natural science, because human beings and human society are nothing but patterns of cosmic energy combination and cooperation. There are only two bottom lines of construction that run through all phenomena in the universe and support the existence of all phenomena. One is what exists, that is, what is "Have", and the other is the trajectory of "Have", that is, the program.Quantum vibration is the programmed programming of cosmic energy, forming the smallest "Have" mode of the basic particles of the real universe. The programming of basic particles continues to superimpose and program, and there are everything in the universe.The human body is the energy (including programming such as the conscious energy manifested by ChatGPT) programming program cooperation dynamic balance deductive process,The essence of any form of human social cooperation is also the programming of behavior. … All the existence and energy exchange deduction that people can perceive and manifest as "Have" depend on programmed programming. This stems from The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that support the universe that humans have not yet recognized——Running the program "smoothly" and ensuring the sustainability of the cooperative link mechanism is the life and death of all things and the sustainable survival of happiness: 1. The value of happiness is not in "Have", because all "Have" comes from the "Smoothly" of program cooperation, and happiness is the feeling of "Smoothly" of program cooperation.Human beings are better at programmed cooperation than other animals to create human civilization.Because the nature of the universe is neither material nor conscious but programmatic, this is the golden key to unravel all the confusions of human beings. 2. "Shun" is the starting point for doing anything, so the only way to do things is to grasp the procedure.In other words, if you want to achieve happiness, you must grasp the program as the outline of doing anything, and then follow the program to determine the accuracy.This is the essence of civilization and the behavior mechanism of science. 3. Only if everyone can focus on the process and grasp the process first, then they can accurately find the law of cooperation in everything they do.Only when the procedure of the entire society is clear and the precision is clear can it present the best state of the nature of the universe, that is, to achieve dynamic balance and sustainable development.4. The original chaotic state of cosmic energy is entropy. Only after following the program can the law be accurately positioned. The energy movement program is ordered and positioned to reverse the entropy. Only when the energy is programmed can the programmed universe be born.Therefore, anyone who messes with the established procedures for the purpose, instead of introducing the old and bringing forth the new according to the established procedures, is speculation.Any speculation is essentially suicide.Clever is the description of a speculator;Wisdom is a compliment to those who follow established procedures.5. When human beings first understand the world, they first see the "Have" that exist one by one,but I don't know that these "Haves" can only come from the "smoothly" and smooth programming cooperation of the program.So in order to occupy the purpose of "Have", regardless of the procedures and means, they fight randomly,this is really a stupid act of abandoning the root and chasing the end.Because "Have" comes from the illusion of the essence of "Smoothly" in the program,therefore, so far, human beings have been pursuing the value core of constantly changing all kinds of appearances, that is, "Have", and created different "trees" of consciousness logic,this creates the ever-changing jungle of social consciousness that is presently present.Only The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws can explain in a unified and clear way that the essence of all "trees" in the jungle is exactly the same, that is, the phenomenon that the energy operation program is programmed.Human beings learn to do things by first grasping the procedure and then positioning the accuracy, so as to get out of the current crisis-ridden low-level fighting jungle civilization,towards a high-level civilized scientific platform for sustainable and harmonious cooperation.This is the only scientific direction for a happy life that everyone can obtain.Because human beings must abide by the basic laws at the bottom of the universe in order to create the achievements of civilization, but now the basic values of human beings lead the use of human achievements in the opposite direction to the scientific laws at the bottom of the universe,therefore, the angels of every civilization achievement will be demonized at the same time.Based on this, the greater the achievement of civilization, the faster its energy and possibility of destroying all human beings will increase.As the saying goes, when there is an avalanche, no snowflake is innocent.Therefore, human beings must step up to make everyone learn to follow the procedure to determine the way of doing things, that is, the mechanism of positioning accuracy,Let every snowflake follow the procedure, and the entire human society will not avalanche and go to destruction.Therefore, please review the 15,000-word article《A brief introduction to the outline of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that fill the entire space-time of the universe perceived by human beings and dominate the underlying structure of the essence of the universe of all human beings》(《览要简说满灌人类所知觉的整个宇宙时空而主宰人类一切的宇宙本质底层构架之程序定质规律纲要要点——兼及简说人类文明的本质及其循序定度之核心演绎机制》).You can write to 1878508332@qq.com to get it.Or search the above Chinese topics online to get articles.I look forward to meeting elites who are willing to translate this article and distribute it to all media that can publish it.On February 7, 2014, when Chairman Xi accepted an exclusive interview, he pointed out that human beings must learn to "play the piano with ten fingers (sequential cooperation)" to do things in a scientific way.It is because the qualitative law of the program at the bottom of the universe requires that we must follow the procedure in everything we do, just like playing the piano according to the established procedure spectrum, making the ten fingers cooperate in an orderly manner according to the established procedure spectrum. Doing things in this way is the scientific way to get things done.There is nothing better than making people all over the world happy!When human beings can complete the underlying social engineering of such a thinking mode:Everyone no longer Fight For "Have" in their consciousness,but Distinguish For "Smoothly",only in this way can we realize the grand blueprint of harmony and great cooperation of all mankind, a community with a shared future for mankind under the guidance of Chairman Xi.Distinguish For "Smoothly" social ecology is manifested as:Everyone has been very clear from the subconscious. In this world, there is no right or wrong, no good or bad,all the problems are whether they are suitable or not and whether dynamic balance can be achieved.The question of whether it is suitable or not is only a matter of procedure.This short article and article will try to submit to the mailboxes of the media that can be found, in order to jointly identify this should be the life and death information from the universe that has been continuously conveyed to human beings in various ways:The reason why human society is not going smoothly and is tossing back and forth is because human beings have always turned the universe upside down.The thinking mode and behavior that mistakenly believe that the society will be "smoothly" after reaching the goal of "Have "rich (for example, taking the "Have" of economic development as the "smoothly" orientation of civilization),little do they know that this kind of cognition is putting the cart before the horse and floating on the true appearance of the interpretation of the universe.So all scientific achievements so far are only one-sided logical fragments of the essence of the universe,floating in illusion, chaotic in cognition, unable to communicate.This is the source of all human misfortune.Fortunately, the current scientific achievements have made the nature of the universe clear,it's just that the whole human being is misled by upside-down value judgments, and is still trapped in primitive and low-level thinking patterns and habits,because the frequency is different from the essence of the universe, the calling of the essence of the universe will be strange and repulsive,therefore, human beings have always treated the nature of the universe in such a way that they stare at it every day but cannot see it, use it all the time but don’t know it, and do stupid suicide everywhere.If the government can take the lead in identifying, approving and promoting it, it will be the easiest to spread the golden key of The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws that can unravel all the confusion of human beings to the earth, and the political elites who started this matter will always be respected by all human beings.But when I reported it to the government, I really couldn’t find a channel. I have been trying to report this matter for more than ten years, but there is no response.And this is aimed at the revolution deep in everyone's soul, which is not well known by the society, so it is easy to be rejected and misunderstood, and thus stifled, so it is difficult to pass on at the grassroots level of society.ChatGPT, which is not really realized by Ukrainian situation and the cheers of human beings, is demonstrating that the magic box for destroying human beings has been opened, which makes me feel that I can no longer hesitate, and I should urgently appeal on this matter:Everyone must recognize The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws as soon as possible, so that human beings can save themselves.So is there any human elite willing to provide help to spread The Programed Decide Qualitaty Laws as soon as possible?The dissemination of this article is welcome.