本帖最后由 软件工程师招聘 于 2023-10-6 09:49 编辑META公司介绍:META 发动机与能源技术有限公司,是一家汽车研发公司,成立于1992年,位于德国亚琛的技术科技园区。公司进行新能源汽车的电控系统研发、电机研发及试验、动力总成研发如氢发动机研发等。公司为欧洲大的汽车主机厂、中国汽车主机厂等全球范围的汽车公司进行前沿新能源汽车技术的研发。目前公司在新能源汽车电控领域及软件开发领域扩大业务,研发引领世界的整车控制系统VCU如变速器电控系统及动力总成电控系统等;功能安全软件研发;智能驾驶场景识别软件研发等。公司拟招聘若干软件研发工程师,欢迎您的加入,您与公司共同进步,共同体验未来的世界前沿汽车新技术的研发。Company introduction:Meta Motoren- und Energie-TechnikGmbH is an automotive research and development company founded in 1992 andlocated in the Technology Park in Aachen, Germany. The company conducts newenergy vehicle’s research and development of electronic control systems, motorresearch and development and testing, powertrain research and development suchas hydrogen engine research and development etc. The company conducts researchand development of new energy vehicle advancing technologies for global automobilecompanies such as large European automobile OEMs and Chinese automobile OEMs.At present, the company is expanding its business in the field of new energyvehicle electronic control and software development, developing world-leadingvehicle control systems VCU such as transmission electronic control systems andpowertrain electronic control systems; functional safety software research anddevelopment; Intelligent Driving Scene Identification software research anddevelopment, etc. The company plans to recruit several software R&Dengineers. You are welcome to join. You will make same progress together withthe company and taste the research and development of cutting-edge automotivenew technologies in the future.岗位职责:Yourtasks: ·零部件和控制单元的功能开发Function development for components and controlunits·软件测试环境的开发Development of software test environments·在内部混动实验台和电控试验台上调试系统Commissioning of the systems onin-house hybrid test benches and battery control test benches·车辆控制单元(VCU) 开发Vehicle Control Unit (VCU) development任职要求:Your profile:·具有计算机科学、机电一体化或电气工程本科及以上学历(硕士优先)A bachelor or master degree incomputer science, mechatronics or electrical engineering(Master is better)·拥有Matlab / Simulink相关知识Knowledge of Matlab/Simulink·拥有模型/软件测试相关知识 (MiL/SiL)Knowledge of model/software testing(MiL/SiL)·特别熟悉先进的 IT 系统和工具High affinity for modern IT systems and tools·具备良好的英语和德语(写作和口语)能力Good knowledge of English and German in written andspoken公司提供:We offer you:·面向未来技术领域,富有吸引力且多样化的工作An attractive and varied job in thefield of future-oriented technologies·令人兴奋且具有挑战性的项目Exciting and challenging projects·以创新和增长为导向的工作环境An innovative andgrowth-oriented working environment
·充足的独立工作空间和多样化设计可能性Plenty of room for independent workand versatile design possibilities·愉快的工作氛围A pleasant working atmosphere·灵活的工作时间 Flexible working hours·工作单车JobBike·公司内部体育小组和参与公司跑步活动In-company sports groups andparticipation in company runs·必要时前往中国或全球出差Business trip to China or Globe whennecessaryAre you interested? Then we look forward to receivingyour application. Please send your complete application documents, stating yoursalary requirement and reference number, to our following company or e-mailaddress:如果您对此职位感兴趣,欢迎将完整的求职申请文件、薪资要求发送至:MetaMotoren- und Energie-Technik GmbH
Human Resources
Reference No.: OKM-HSC-26-09-23-HP
Kaiserstr. 100
52134 Herzogenrath
Tel.: +49 (0) 2407 9554-0
E-Mail: career@metagmbh.de
欢迎大家踊跃投简历! 请问可以说下大概工资范围吗?最近考虑换工作,谢谢! angelaliu 发表于 2023-10-10 02:46