是不是加了这个新的服务,每个月的月租就变成9.99+9.99了呢还是还按9.99算,弱弱一问!谢谢大家指点 9.99+9.99我刚改,改的时候人家是这样说的,等下个月看看帐单才能确定 网上是说要另加9,99欧元的月租费的。 谢谢大家,要是经常在HOME区打电话,还是挺划算的 昨天也刚去o2店问过,flatrate的月租是9。99×2的,一般的学生套餐是不是9。9/month,然后其中5euro是话费呢? you can actually combinestudent benefit and flatrate together.For instance, if you sign an O2 genion contract as a student, the ground9.99 euros per month, and you can also get 20% off for price of the handy and 4.99 euros (from 9.99 euros ground) fee for communication . Then, plus 9.99 euro you can acutally get genion+flatrate. But the first three months they will charge you for the genion ground fee (9.99 euros). The rest months of the two years, your ground fee is 19.98 euros.
借lz宝地一用,o2网站说3各月免费, 那么我用到第二个月kuendigen可以么 那估计要交手机钱吧,他们也不是傻子啊,呵呵 那么这个flatrate一定要同时和genion一起签么 原帖由 summertime 于 2005-10-11 13:44 发表
o2网站说3各月免费, 那么我用到第二个月kuendigen可以么
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