作者:拾点追剧1. 聊天的意外结局- 聊着聊着人就没了,是那句话把你送走了?我撤回。- Chatting away and then you're gone—was it that line that sent you off? I take it back.
2. 帅哥的普遍魅力- 我不能保证每个帅哥都爱我,但我能保证我爱每个帅哥。- I can't promise every handsome guy loves me, but I can promise I love every handsome guy.
3. 年轻人的现实需求- 不要总是送年轻人一句话,年轻人最需要的不是一句话,是一笔钱。- Don't just give young people a saying; what they really need is not a word, but some cash.
4. 年轻与梦想- 年轻的时候一定要敢于做梦,毕竟年纪大了很容易睡不着。- Dare to dream when you're young; after all, as you age, sleep might not come as easily.
5. 生活的磨砺- 牙医问我怎么年纪轻轻牙齿磨损这么严重,我说这些年都是咬着牙过来的。- The dentist asked how my teeth wore down so much at a young age. I told them, I've been through these years gritting my teeth.
6. 上班的副作用- 上班不仅没有提高我的收入,反而还降低了我的素质。- Work hasn't just failed to raise my income; it's also lowered my quality.
7. 爱情的现实对比- 到了这个年纪会在你耳边唱歌,喜欢你的身体还送你包的,只剩下蚊子了。- At this age, the only ones singing in your ear, admiring your body, and giving you a 'bag' are the mosquitoes.
8. 职场的讽刺- 操着两个亿的心,拿着三千五的工资,吃着两块五的馒头,拼命帮老板实现梦想。- Worrying about a billion-dollar business on a 3,500 salary, eating buns that cost 2.5, desperately helping the boss achieve their dream.