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Coordinate Development Strategies and Actions to Advance the Belt and Road Initiative.

July 10,2,018

Sino-Arab friendship is time-honored and strong as ever. The Chinese and Arab peoples, though far apart in distance, are close like a family. Our ancestors, merchants and diplomatic envoys alike, traveled back and forth along the overland and maritime Silk Roads in the molding era, we found side by side for independence and liberation. We also gave each other strong support in development, creating a splendid chapter of win-win cooperation.

Past and present experiences have proven that whatever changes may take place in the world and whether obstacles may confront us, China and Arab states have always been good partners, sharing multiple benefits. And gold brothers, going through think and sing together.

To facilitate the coming property and progress of interest countries, China has put forward the belt and Road Initiative. With a commitment to the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the initiative focuses on promoting policy, infrastructure, trade, financial and people to people connectivity. It has attracted wide support and active participation from the Arab world and the broader initiation community as important participants and credentials of the ancient Silk Road civilization located at the juncture of the land and maritime Sikh road civilization located at the juncture of the land and maritime Sikh roads. Arab states are narrow partners in belt and Road Probation. Belt and Road Corporation features prominently in the Arab policy paper issued by the Chinese government. The Arab League Council at the level of Foreign Minister has adopted a resolution expressing the collective political view of Arab States to participate in the belt and Road Initiative. It is debated that later during this ministry conference, a declaration of action on Chinese Arab States belt and Road Cooperation will be designed.

Over the past four years, China and Arab states have worked together to develop belt and road cooperation in light of the regional realities, combine collective action with bilateral cooperation and promote development wide uploading piece complementing each other's strengths and pursue win results. We have delivered benefits to people both in our region and beyond. As various projects attest, a dynamic situation had been created and many floors harvested in our belt and road cooperation. Although over the past four years, build and road cooperation has engaged every dimension of single arable relations and propellant or row single arable cooperation into a new farce.

In this context, I'm pleased to announce that as friendly consultation between the two sides, we have agreed to establish a senior variable future Outreach Strategic partnership of the Comprehensive Cooperation and Common Development. This marks a new historical milestone in senior edible friendship and cooperation.




Expand Common Interests,Realize Common Prosperity


April21, 2015

The Chinese nation loves peace. Over 2,000 years ago,the Chinese already knew that a belligerent country, how-ever powerful it may seem, will not prosper. “Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you.This is a principle that we Chinese adhere to, and we do not subscribe to the belief that a country is bound to seek hegemony when it becomes powerful. Peaceful development is in China's interests,and also in the interests of Asia and the world. Nothing will shake our resolve to pursue peaceful development. China is committed to the principle of non.Interference in other countries internal affairs; it will never impose its own will on anyone; and China will never seek hegemony however strong it might become.

China will continue to pursue win-win cooperation and enhance friendship and cooperation with other countries. Lt will stay committed to the policy of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness. It win expand win-win cooperation with its neighbors so as to deliver more benefits to through its owe development, China will remain a reliable friend and sincere partner of other developing countries china will continue to open up for common benefit, and advance all-round opening up to build an open economy. This will create new development opportunities and space for both Asia and the world.

Building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21stCentury Maritime Silk Road is a significant initiative China lunched in order to open itself to the full in the new era. The initiative also reflects China's commitment to sharing development opportunities and outcomes with more countries. We will strengthen cooperation with countries along the Belt and Road and realize the connectivity of roads trade, finance, policies and our peoples, so as to jointly build an open platform for cooperation and create new impetus to achieve sustainable development in the related regions.

South Asia is where the Belt and Road meet, It is therefore a focal area and important cooperation partner for advancing the Belt and Road Initiative. Good progress has been made in building the China-Pakistan economic Corridor and the Bangadesh-China-India-Myanmar Economic Coridor which are closely connected with the Belt and Road. These two economic corridors will give a strong boost to the economic growth of the related countries and provide a strong new force for deeper regional cooperation in South Asia.

Peace, development and cooperation are the themes of our great times. The vast and richly endowed South Asia has boundless potential for development, The hard-working and talented people of South Asia are making vigorous efforts to speed up development in the region and turn it into a new pole of growth for the world economy.

China is the biggest neighbor of South Asia. A peaceful stable, and prosperous South Asia is beneficial to China's development, China is ready to pursue its development strategy)in parallel with those of the South Asian countries to realize mutually beneficial development and common prosperity During my visit to three South Asian countries last year, put forward a number of initiatives to strengthen China's cooperation with the South Asian countries, which are being implemented, China respects the unique culture and historical traditions of the South Asian region.We are a sincere partner of South Asian countries, e will treat each other with respect and as equals, and accommodate each other's comfort level to ensure long-term and sound growth in our relationships.

Only through win-win cooperation can we expand common interests and realize common prosperity, South Asia occupies a priority on China's westward opening-up agenda.and we will share more development practices with the South Asian countries to complement each other's development endeavors, China is ready to do more to provide assistance and support to South Asian countries within the framework of South-South cooperation.



Both China and the South Asian countries have a long history, and we both value benevolence, friendship, inclusiveness, mutual learning, harmony and coexistence, China is ready to strengthen inter-civilization dialogue with South Asian countries, an important part of such dialogue across Asia, so as to jointly promote the wisdom of the East and Asian values.

It is thanks to openness, inclusiveness, unity and self reliance that the Asian countries have succeeded in promoting development, prosperity and national renewal.e must continue to be guided by such visions to achieve greater development in the future. China will strengthen cooperation with the South Asian countries to jointly advance region cooperation in South Asia and Asia as a whole. China will upgrade its cooperation with the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, and step up international coordination with the South Asian countries under multi frameworks to jointly uphold the interests of developing countries.


The Belt and Road Initiative Is Open and Inclusive

September 22,2015

As far as the existing international system is concerned China has been a participant, builder and contributor. stand firmly behind the international order and system that is based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. A great number of countries, especially developing countries want to see a more just and equitable international system.but this does not mean that they want to unravel the entire system or start all over again. Rather, what they want is to reform and improve the system to keep up with the times.This would serve the common interests of all countries and humanity as a whole.

China has benefited from the international community in its own development, and China in turn should contribute to global development. Our Belt and Road Initiative, our establishment of the Silk Road Fund and our proposal to set up the AIlB are all aimed at helping the common development of all countries rather than seeking any kind of spheres of political influence The Belt and Road Initiative is open and inclusive, We welcome the participation of all countries, the US included, and international organizations. We have vigorously promoted economic integration in the Asia-Pacifc region and worked to realize the goal of establishing the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacifc, because we want to help to shape a free, open, convenient and dynamic space for development in the Asia-Pacifc region, We call for an outlook of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, because we want to work with other countries in the region and the rest of the international community to main.tain peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.



The Belt and Road Initiative Is Open and Inclusive

As far as the existing international system is concerned, China has been a participant, builder and contributor. stand frmly behind the international order and system that isbased on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Agreat number of countries, especially developing countrieswant to see a more just and equitable international system.but this does not mean that they want to unravel the entiresystem or start all over again. Rather, what they want is toreform and improve the system to keep up with the times.This would serve the common interests of all countries andhumanity as a whole.

China has benefted from the internatonal community inits own development, and China in turn should contribute toglobal development. Our Belt and Road Initiative, our estab.lishment of the Silk Road Fund and our proposal to set upthe AIlB are all aimed at helping the common developmentof all countries rather than seeking any kind of spheres of political infuence, The Belt and Road Initiative is open andinclusive, We welcome the participation of all countries, theUS included, and international organizations. We have vigor.ously promoted economic integration in the Asia-Pacifc region and worked to realize the goal of establishing the FreeTrade Area of the Asia-Pacifc, because we want to help toshape a free, open, convenient and dynamic space for de.velopment in the Asia-Pacifc region, We call for an outlookof common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainablesecurity, because we want to work with other countries in theregion and the rest of the international community to main.tain peace and security in the Asia-Pacific region.


video: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/readtemplate?t=pages/video_player_tmpl&action=mpvideo&auto=0&vid=wxv_3773675400644198403


1. 好战国家

belligerent country

2. 坚持

adhere to

3. 寻求霸权

seek hegemony

4. 内政

internal affairs

5. 互利合作

win-win cooperation

6. 互利互惠

mutual benefit

7. 丝绸之路

the Silk Road Economic Belt

8. 21世纪海上丝绸之路

21stCentury Maritime Silk Road

9. 无限潜力

boundless potential

10. 合作共赢

win-win cooperation

11. 文明对话

inter-civilization dialogue

12. 亚洲基础设施投资银行


13. 亚太自由贸易区

Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacifc

14. 政治势力范围

spheres of political influence



全国两会,作为中国政治生活中的年度盛事,汇聚了来自全国各地的精英与代表,他们肩负着人民的重托,共赴这场民主与法治的盛宴。全国人民代表大会(National People's Congress),作为最高国家权力机关(highest organ of state power),其成员们深入讨论国家大政方针,审议各类重要报告和法案,为国家发展绘制宏伟蓝图(grand blueprint)。而中国人民政治协商会议(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)则以其独特的参政议政方式,汇聚了各党派团体、各族各界的精英智慧,为国家决策提供了宝贵的参考和建议。

两会的召开,不仅是中国政治民主化(political democratization)的重要体现,更是国家治理体系(governance system)和治理能力现代化的重要推手。在这里,代表们畅所欲言,各抒己见,充分展示了中国政治生态(political ecology)的开放与包容。同时,两会也是民众了解国家大事、参与国家治理的重要窗口,通过媒体和网络的广泛传播,让全国人民都能感受到国家发展的脉搏,共同为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦贡献力量。





审核 | 江振春、王静
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