我一般去Aldi,Lidl,买日用品去DM和Rossmann,买肉什么的去Toom。 和我每次去得都差不多,法兰克福确实没有什么败家的好地方
那个P&C还不错啦,对面就是mango,zara, 倒也方便 我每次从那里下车就直奔MNG和ZARA,P&C还没去过 -_-# , 这几天就去看看. LZMM辛苦,真是不错的帖子,下次可以去买长草的米粉了~ 欢迎大家补充,我写的还不是很全。 一定要顶,每次去法兰克福都是去Zeil,因为找不到别的地方。 Thanks so much for the LZ MM's information. Actually i will go to Frankfurt next month as my classmate will come over to attend the Messe. I have no any idea about shopping there. I will do as what u said. Thanks again. 原帖由 chinesegal 于 2006-1-23 21:24 发表
Thanks so much for the LZ MM's information. Actually i will go to Frankfurt next month as my classmate will come over to attend the Messe. I have no any idea about shopping there. I will do as what ...