不知道有没有前辈熟悉单片机编程的,我写了个程序,今天测试却有问题,程序运行中 LED不亮啊~~~郁闷!!!:(:(:( .......I have some knowledge about PIC16F84, may I ask what develop environment that you are using? Is "Matlap 6.62" or some other vision? 原帖由 燃烧的蜡相 于 2006-3-24 14:55 发表.......I have some knowledge about PIC16F84, may I ask what develop environment that you are using? Is "Matlap 6.62" or some other vision?
我用Cc5x-31 VISION 编程,基本就是C语言,不知道是不是软件和硬件匹配的问题:mad::mad:,今天试了,还是运行 不了。