dietotehose 发表于 2006-11-16 13:13

:o :o $angry

[ 本帖最后由 dietotehose 于 2006-11-16 13:14 编辑 ]

yaya123 发表于 2006-11-16 13:15

原帖由 艳阳天 于 2006-11-15 17:02 发表
$怒吼$ 这个JP男从来就没消停过。$怒吼$
:D :D :Dmm说得好

DAB 发表于 2006-11-16 13:32

这个垃圾节目是不是就基本定下来了?:o :o :o 还有可能阻止或者改变吗?


丢人丢到家了!!!$angry $angry $angry

金鱼眼 发表于 2006-11-16 13:34

$angry 有够俗的了。我的德国朋友都说我不像中国人像日本人,问她为什么,她来句,中国人都长得很丑。电影里看的。把我气得。直接说,因为外国人都不希望中国强大,所以拍中国的农村片,才能得大奖。ZYM在这方面真是做足了贡献。$angry $angry

amin 发表于 2006-11-16 13:52

why are so angry to ZYM, he just revealed the reality that what kulture have been left in China!

Xiaolu 发表于 2006-11-16 14:04

原帖由 amin 于 2006-11-16 13:52 发表
why are so angry to ZYM, he just revealed the reality that what kulture have been left in China!

Not all of them are good! Some of them are real bull shit!
Have you even drunk rice wine with children's urine inside?
If you did, you are sick too!

amin 发表于 2006-11-16 14:33

原帖由 Xiaolu 于 2006-11-16 14:04 发表

Not all of them are good! Some of them are real bull shit!
Have you even drunk rice wine with children's urine inside?
If you did, you are sick too!

sorry, i did not praise what ZYM did is the right way to show our kulture!
but why do you think, he could be assigned to such an important Olympic project? who gives him the right? without the confirm from political leaders, ZYM dared not to show off like that way!

he is not the one had destroyed the kulture, but he really reflect the reality in China!

i did not mean any of his films, about your question. i could tell you, i do not drink rice wine, i was also surprised when i saw the film! just i had no proof to say it was a lie or so, since i know nothing about the custom in that area. i only could say my own feeling, i did no like such a way to produce wine.

what i wrote is i thought the traditional kulture are really destroyed a lot in China, some one but not ZYM should be responsible for that. please do not image i have some special taste of the wine!

香婆婆 发表于 2006-11-16 14:44

我觉得满好的嘛, 挺好看, 看带我跟大家带勾了

香婆婆 发表于 2006-11-16 14:48

原帖由 再弹一曲东风破 于 2006-11-16 00:04 发表
看了他排的这两回大型节目,最大的感受就是 闹心!好象素净点就体现不了中国的民族特色了似的!先不说那超短旗袍和都不怎么好看的腿,就看雅典8分钟里那几个弹琵芭的女孩,一看就知道是一脸假笑,故作喜庆的样子 ...

我今天看杂志看到一个老外分析中国人, 说是喜欢背后揣测别人的心理, 真到他发言的时候就没话了有话也是客套的背诵好的几句. 当是还满气的. 现在真是找到现货的例子了.你怎么晓得人家是顾作的喜庆呢? 舞蹈演员除了肢体语言就是表情了,难道你让人家哭桑着脸去跳舞???

suker333 发表于 2006-11-16 14:50

原帖由 香婆婆 于 2006-11-16 14:44 发表
我觉得满好的嘛, 挺好看, 看带我跟大家带勾了
他看着姑娘的大腿发自内心地说"真好看啊..."然后口水就顺着下来了(这是我加的, 为了戏剧化一些).
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