耶!Project nr.2 自弹披头士 的-挪威森林-
Norwegian Wood
I once had a girl, or should I say, she once had me...
She showed me her room, isn't it good, norwegian wood?
She asked me to stay and she told me to sit anywhere,
So I looked around and I noticed there wasn't a chair.
I sat on a rug, biding my time, drinking her wine
We talked until two and then she said, "It's time for bed"
She told me she worked in the morning and started to laugh.
I told her I didn't and crawled off to sleep in the bath
And when I awoke, I was alone, this bird had flown
So I lit a fire, isn't it good, norwegian wood.
[ 本帖最后由 maske 于 2007-1-14 15:19 编辑 ] 本帖最后由 风车 于 2010-4-21 18:15 编辑
[ 本帖最后由 燃烧的蜡相 于 2007-4-2 08:22 编辑 ] 俺不懂,不过觉得弹的好好呵,英文唱的有意思:) 多谢楼上的帮我弄成直接播放的。。。。(是要有一定几分才有这功能么? :) 披头士啊偶喜欢~~~顶顶顶~~吉他声很好听~~~
P.S.好象要200分吧 弹地真好,$支持$ $支持$ $支持$请教 maske 扫弦的那些拨弦音是怎么弹地? 真羡慕会弹吉他的人啊,感觉很潇洒。
虽然不太懂,但是可以感觉到楼主的feel 原帖由 北风 于 2007-1-13 16:44 发表
弹地真好,$支持$ $支持$ $支持$请教 maske 扫弦的那些拨弦音是怎么弹地?
dank dank..
再注意一下触弦的角度 maske是自己扒得么?弹得是E调么?E后面那个和旋感觉进来早了$考虑$
还有,以后别忘了贴上歌词 yun这里是懂音乐的人呆的地方 我闪 $汗$