这是他家Homepage上的一段说明:Due to a fire at our server site we are currently experiencing severe technical problems.
Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused; we are working hard to try and solve the problem as soon as possible.
Due to the severity of the disruption it may however take at least one day before we can offer full service again.
Please try again later. :o $郁闷$ :mad: :mad:
年就赶不上拉:mad: :mad: :(
搞什么,都要有两手准备.$考虑$ 是不是故意整我们中国人哦
谢谢楼主解释 现在好像又能登录上去了但愿明天不要再登录不上去 现在是正常的,但愿明天也是 晕,我刚通过银行汇的11.90欧不会飞了吧?:(