人间极品 发表于 2007-5-1 16:46


hello 我也来报道,刚刚回国了一趟,知道不管到那啊,英语都很重要,德语在国内没什么优势,所以决定把英语拣起来,不过,有点 。。。。。。。。。难啊, 以前就因为英文不好才来德国,现在看来德语也有点。我的现状. 念英文都是德国音,张不了口了,学些基础的又觉得太简单,毕竟在国内也念了几年,但看雅思什么的又没有那个能力。让我觉得不知从那开始。 希望高人们给些建议,我知道罗马不是一天建成的,所以我要用我余下的人生学习它了,大家共同努力啊

Sudoku 发表于 2007-5-2 11:01


Stil 发表于 2007-5-2 19:09

I think you can just take an exam, IELTS or TOEFL, whatever, just give yourself a motivation, and it doesn't matter how much you can have for the first time. The advantage to learn English here is that in Germany it is much easier to contact some people who speak english than in China, for example, in unversity. Just talking with them, it will be better sooner and later.:)Besides, to see some TV play in English is really helpful.:D

[ 本帖最后由 Stil 于 2007-5-2 20:11 编辑 ]

人间极品 发表于 2007-5-2 22:28

thank for your suggestion, to watch tv play in english is very good idee, i like films and series. i try to write more english. if i make a error ,please correct. thank you

大晴天 发表于 2007-5-4 18:59

i think, learning english makes more fun. there are so many american TV series and other resources available.
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