打德国座机没包月和包月两种情况下,是否要选择不同的卡呢?另外打国内手机和座机也有区别吗?[ 本帖最后由 Kassiopeia 于 2007-6-4 18:13 编辑 ] 没包月和包月当然是不同的卡了,具体看O2网站吧。
至于给国内打电话,好像没人直接用手机吧?肯定是用长途电话卡或者VoIP一类的东西。 O2网站好象没有这方面信息。在不能用网络电话和VOIP的时候只能找一个用手机拨IP卡的办法打国际长途了。 除了0800还有什么号码是免费的吗?或者是FREED和O2有什么协议?如果这样的话,每分钟就只交1,3 CENT给FREED,其他的任何费用都不用再支付给O2了? 我的理解是回拨技术相当于我在给国内通电话时候是国内的VOIP在给我的手机打电话是不是?那国内接电话的一方是不是也要付一定的费用?
另外由此产生 的电话帐单是我直接和FREED结算还是和O2结算啊? 谢谢楼上的回复!这个看上去不错。呵呵。不过帐单是直接和FREED结算的吗?
通话质量怎么样呢?EPLUS也有个预付卡电话打中国5CENT一分钟。价格没有什么竞争力,就看通话质量了。 这个免费拨打的德国座机号码是多少啊?还是每个注册的用户都得到不同的号码就相当直接输入IP卡号了呢 对于非O2的签合同的手机这个不包月的02216776455也是免费的吗
http://www.voipstunt.com/en/newsflash.html29.03.2007 New! Cheap calls from your mobile!
Dear customer,
From now on you can use your Voipstunt credit as well for calls from your mobile.
Please use the right access number for your country and make sure your mobile number is registered with your account. Before each call you will hear the free tariff message.
Use your credit for regular calls
Make good use of your credits and make cheap regular and mobile phone calls via our access number: 021153998585
Here's how it works:
1). Make sure you have entered your home and/or mobile phone number in your personal details so you can access our local rate numbers.
2). Call 021153998585 (at local rate) from your home number or mobile phone and wait for the voice prompt.
3). You can now enter any (international) number you want, and Voip Stunt connects your call (always use the international format for your calls, for instance 0044201234567 for a UK call). Costs for the calls will be settled via your Voip Stunt-account at the current rates . After entering the telephone number you want to call, you will hear the current rate of the destination you are calling so you know exactly what each call will cost - in advance. Freedays do not apply for this service! 那个homezone外的接入号码每分钟要给O2交多少钱啊?如果是按照一般的手机打座机的费率,岂不贵死?