要说很多德国人自己都不知道自己的发家史,盲目的自我感觉良好$汗$不过也有有教养的人,比如我的教授Prof.Hansmann(汉堡大学Industrielles Management学院的领头人) 他曾经课上就说到过德国在英国工业革命是就是大量仿照英国的机器才成熟了自己的工艺,并且超过了英国。他的书中写道:Die in England konstruierten Maschinen....mussten in Deutschland verfuegbar sein,...Das geschah nach 1815 zunaechst durch Import englischer Maschinen, im weiteren Verlauf mehr und mehr durch Nachbau der Maschinen und Nachahmung der Produktionsverfahren......当然他没有说到“偷盗“这种词汇。我客气的“引用“一下Stöber在中国宣布自己有一套磁悬浮技术后的话“es riecht nach Klau..“
其实事实就是那样的德国那时的工资水平低,大量仿照英国的商品,廉价质量也不大好的产品充斥英国市场。英国人很恼火,就于1887年颁布了法律Merchandise Marks Act,主要就是让人们方便认清来自德国的廉价商品。;) 我找了一下,居然起头的人是美国,大家看看以下文章的一小段文章
The origins of the “Made in ...” seal
The history of “Made in…” first gained momentum in America
130 years ago. At the time of the World Expo in Philadelphia in 1876, German goods distinguished themselves by their bad quality. That awakened the ambitions of German industry to catch up with England’s head start in quality. As wages in Germany were very low at that time, German products even made it onto the English markets. England felt seriously threatened in its competitiveness. The situation then is similar to that of today, where Europe is being overrun by cheap products from the Far-East.
It still took until 1887 before a trade mark law forced Germany to label products imported to England with “Made in Germany”. The law was then called the “Merchandise Marks Act”. The English buyers were to be put in a position where they could differentiate between the supposedly bad and cheap mass-produced goods from Germany and the qualitatively better domestic products. “Made in..” quickly became a recognised seal for reliability and quality.
German industry then decided to use this seal of quality “Made in Germany” for exports to countries which did not demand such an indication of origin. 。。。。
[ 本帖最后由 糖丸 于 2007-7-19 00:03 编辑 ] $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ 都怪我不好问,到今天才知道。 $支持$ $支持$ $支持$ 任何国家的工业化道路都是这样的,日本也是从模仿开始走向自主创新。中国很多方面做得不错,惟独汽车工业上,不敢恭维 原帖由 Paulruan 于 2007-7-19 19:07 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
任何? 请问英国抄谁了?