Rahel 是男名还是女名?
刚收到人事部的信,想回信,但是从他的名字Rahel A. 上看不出是男是女。可能平时接触的德国人太少了。$害羞$请各位帮忙。急。。。 肯定MM。犹太Vorname? 原帖由 Blüte 于 2007-8-27 14:26 发表 http://www.dolc.de/forum/images/common/back.gif
$送花$ $送花$ weiblich 人事部 几乎只有女人 $握手$ $握手$ 把名字在GOOGLE圖片搜索里搜一下就完了,看出來的照片大部分是女的還是男的 Rachel (Hebrew: רחל, also spelled Rachael) "Ewe," also "innocence and gentility of a rose" and may mean "lovely". Standard Hebrew Raḥel, Tiberian Hebrew Rāḫēl, Rāḥēl) is the second and favorite wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin, first mentioned in the Book of Genesis of the Hebrew Bible. She is the daughter of Laban and the younger sister of Leah, Jacob's first wife. Jacob was her first cousin, as Jacob's mother Rebekah was Laban's sister.
aus wiki de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachel_(Vorname) 本大师教你一招
在google bilder里输入rahel。看看男人多还是女人多就可以了。 这个简单,上次有个人只给了一个姓,然后给我打电话,打了两次电话,我都没直接喊姓,因为我无法分辨是男声,还是女声。。。。。。。。。。。真郁闷